The rapid perforation of our moral values is worrisome, there must be a way out, but how then do you tackle this teething issue?

The rapid perforation of our moral values is worrisome, there must be a way out, but how then do you tackle this teething issue?

8 answers , last was 16 years ago

Our moral values have been thrown to the dogs, the crime rate has continued to soar, with a high level of immoral acts on display, despite the high level of awareness on the likely implications of such vices, many have kept a blind eye, this generation seems to be heading for the rocks!

Asked by Unknown Brain in Family at 8:49am on March 1st, 2008
Shameema Mukthar 2355
Answered at 3:16am on March 17th, 2008
This rmeinds me of what our Holy Prophet (pbuh) has said IT'S LIFE, one cannot avoid it as, if peace is restored with all the teething issues there won't be a go in life. I have bumps all the time, it hurts, disappoints me but whats true is I'm capable of dealing them, being strong and positive that if I can't handle it I wouldn't have been the favourite of the issue. Face it, its temporary, and its fun when you face different issues, there would be a time when you would be happy that you faced them all and walked out victoriously.
Michael Plumb 1667
Answered at 4:21pm on March 9th, 2008
Teething can be a difficult problem, and can be tackled in many ways. Some parents try teething toast, some use gel filled plastic toys that have been frozen, and some use over the counter pain relievers. The good news for you is that regardless of the difficulty your child's teething presents, it will eventualy pass. Good luck!
Olivia Claire 1212
Answered at 12:52pm on March 7th, 2008
Start with ourselves. Then associate with people who have those same values and morals and form a tight bond of friendship. Teach those values to our children, and surround them with like moral and valued people. Hold strong to what we believe is right and true, and continue practicing it, teaching it, and passing it on.
Amitesh Agarwal 1236
Answered at 11:31pm on March 2nd, 2008
What is moral? What are values? Define them first!
Unknown Brain 1892
Answered at 5:41pm on March 1st, 2008
hahaha. Its WAY too late for people and a lost fucking cause. I honestly believe this.

Groud zero, was the LAST time that the people (in the states) could put aside their differences, and all have a common goal, that was morally good, and unselfish. It benefieted the people as a whole instead of individuals, and this was followed by the storm in New Orleans. Even at this, there were STILL people stooping low enough to pillage, and steal, whether it be insurance scams, or volunteers time.

The fact is, It takes a common element of "hate" or "hurt" or "fear" to even come CLOSE to uniting people in a civil manner, to where they actually excersize the proper moral judgment.
On a day to day basis, the lack of peoples morals are based on their priorities. Here's a FEW examples:
PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES make what they do, and school teachers make what they do. (Now.... im NOT bagging on what athletes make, But it proves the point, as people PAY to watch sports, as that's a higher priority). Case and point.
PARENTS... for the love of fucking god... I won't EVEN go off on parents. Put the fucking playstation away, help your child with their homework, kick them out of the house to play OUTSIDE on sunny afternoons, and there ya go. "child obiesity", and study habits will Both improve.
HOUSED BUMS. I wrote a skit on welfare awhile back. Something where it's gotten abused more often than not, and the lower/middle class rest of us that DO work our asses off have to pay their taxes. Again.. obiesity, work ethics, and that "self entitled" mentality.

A few SPECIFIC examples are right here on some of these posts.
One gent wrote about his wife "cybering" and was inquiring as to whether or not people should view this as a concern. What I personally would consider ( "MORALLY") is if you wouldn't do something with your spouse right there beside you, then you shouldn't be doing it. In terms of 'morals' with relationships, my so deep, alalytical philosophy is what I like to call, "common fucking sense". (personally, my heart goes out to that fellow). He's a better man than me for dealing with that shit.

I saw one awhile ago on a mother concerned about her childs grades, and going off on the "public education" system. Well folks, guess what. Teachers arent only dealing with your snot nosed brats all day, But they're stuck inbetween the students, AND the administration. If you have a bitch about it, find a way to better fund the administration to give the teachers the TOOLS they need to DO their jobs, and while you're at it... Why dont you actually take the time to HELP your kids with their homework. Again.... I know that this sounds "greek" to alot of people, But common god damn sense. (wherever you are though maam, don't worry...G.W.'s "no child left behind law" will play into action, and despite the fact your kid will be dumb as a post, he/she will still graduate).

Yeah... Im sure I sound like a complete asshole after writing this, But it's shit that I see on a daily basis with my OWN two eyes, and again, to answer your question, I honestly DO believe that it's too late.
Morals cant be regulated, monitored, structured by the government, etc. etc. etc.
They come from people and their priorities, and just doing the RIGHT thing.
I could go on and on and on, Just by taking a look out my kitchen window, But this post would drag out longer than it already has. Instead, I think i'll just sit and pray for an earthquake to hit, and seattle to go down in rubbles. (as long as the playstation still works, and safeco field is still there, the world WILL keep turning).
Andrew Mino 2102
Answered at 2:29pm on March 1st, 2008
Well part of the issue is the idea of individual and/or cultural relativism.

We seem to have this idea that we are the ones who get to determine what is right and what is wrong and that there is no ultimate or absolute right and no ultimate or absolute wrong. They do not believe it because they do not perceive it to be so, but just because we cannot perceive what a crowd consisting of the entire human population of the earth would look like does not mean it does not exist. A reliance upon authority of our own experience as to what justifies right and wrong is a faulty event. Human beings have not been able to act that way and subsequently achieve anything that we then can call great. We have always been strongest and we have always been able to make our greatest achievements when we have been working together and not as individuals. Subsequently morality and the right and wrong should be for the greater good and reasonably so. (Hitler argued that the death of the Jews was for the greater good, but there was no actual verifiable reason behind it; thus reason has a role in morality). Therefore, to achieve the best results, we must have a moral code beyond that of the individual. However, how far beyond the individual does it have to go?

Aside from that, the idea of relativism, that right and wrong is contingent upon the culture or the individual, was defeated by Socrates long ago. The truth itself exists an object external to the viewpoint of any observer/culture. All cultures or individuals do is see the truth from a different angle and thus they do not have a full understanding of it. There has to be an external authority somewhere that people must take into account if they wish to see a larger picture of the truth. It does not mean that an individuals experience or a culture's viewpoint is without merit, it just means that they cannot see the full picture. There is a body of authority beyond that of the culture and the individual.

Why is morality even necessary? Operating off of Locke's "The Natural Rights of Man" it is for the simple reason that otherwise there would be anarchy on a mass scale to the extent to where we would be no different than the most basic animal. Each would do as they please, and the human need for social contact would not be realized.

All that being said, this teething issue would be best addressed by responsibility. Many people seem to be unaware of or have merely never considered the idea of responsibility for their actions, and the fact that their actions have a direct affect on the lives of others, regardless of the intentions of the individual and the intended affect of the action. This then brings to light the responsibility not only for ourselves, but also for the well-being of others. We can never be truly without affect on other people. As for why they should care about other people (thus again addressing the issue of individualism), see the above. It is to their benefit regardless of whether they realize it or want it. Of course, human nature will cause many to reject it, so I think our best bet would be to do our best to influence the sphere of all who we come into contact with towards the greater good and hopefully pass that viewpoint along.
Unknown Brain 1182
Answered at 1:10pm on March 1st, 2008
Our moral values are extremely flawed and need to be fully restructured. The suppression that the state and the church puts on the people is at the root of all these "immoral" acts. The people who are messing everything up are at the top: the lawmakers, the church leaders, bankers, politicians, etc.

But really, I don't believe anything is going wrong. I just believe humanity is maturing and is in an adolescent stage right now, so it's like we've got serious hormones on a global scale and we're all about to kill each other. It's going to pass with time. We just need to make freedom instead of moral absolutism our prime virtue.

And to the cat below me: relativism is the only thing that can save us. It's easier to accept when you understand that all human action is rooted in biological necessity, and not some kind of good or evil nature in mankind. Good and evil are extremely outdated concepts, I don't accept them anymore. I do, however, accept that states can be conducive to progress, and an increase in censorship and suppression that you suggest would inhibit progress to an extreme degree. People like you who (at least I assume) want to restrict the freedom and rights of individuals are the closest thing to evil I can think of.
Grant Tillotson 1489
Answered at 11:15am on March 1st, 2008
Our world is getting worse by the day and I don't think there is a way out of it, all we can hope to do is slow the process. when the majority of people's moral ground is founded in what they think to be true then there is nothing we can do about it. There is no right or wrong in our society anymore. In the name of tolerance we have allowed for acceleration of the decay of our society. In the name of expression we can do anything, say anything and no one can say its wrong. I understand that it comes with the freedom that this nation represents, but we need better censorship then. There is no doubt that the increase in accessibility of pornography has directly related to the increase in sexual crimes in our society. Look at what is being allowed on tv now that ten years ago would never have been on. It's a parallel of our culture. Also the decaying of the family unit is troublesome. There is a decrease in the amount of marriages happening every year while the divorce rate is still above 50%. Uninvolved and disengaged parents are allowing the internet and tv to raise their children. The kids are the ones that aree paying the price and our nation is suffering because of it. I think if there is a starting point at all, it must be in the family. Also, Relativism is destroying our culture because if we can't say that something is right or wrong then we can't stop people from doing most things. Morals are dying and becoming less and less important and its sad. I know the problem is much bigger than this but this is just a couple of things that are playing a factor in the moral decline of our society.
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