Was Kanye West a jerk for interrupting Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards?

Was Kanye West a jerk for interrupting Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards?

15 answers , last was 15 years ago

When Taylor won best female video Kanye West ripped the microphone from her grasp and gave an outraged shout-out to one losing nominee saying "Taylor, I'm really happy for you. I'll let you finish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time! One of the best videos of all time!"

Asked by Joeseph Adai in Entertainment at 4:02pm on September 14th, 2009
Brent Taylor 2317
Voted for Yes at 1:03am on September 22nd, 2009
Yes, he's a huge jerk.

That said, he did that for publicity. And you know what? It worked. I didn't have a clue who he even was before that. We're all playing into his hands talking about it, sadly. It's the "wardrobe malfunction" all over again.
Ray Roddy 1533
Voted for Yes at 12:28pm on September 15th, 2009
Kanye West is an untalented rapper with a penchant for publicity, one would assume that this will backfire on his sad ass and will help- Taylor immensly...She's already on every talk show known to man!!! Kanye...Grow up and take an English class!!!!! Rapcrap!
John Grant 1276
Voted for No at 8:05am on September 15th, 2009
I think he was being a celebrity.

And that's that. What he did was actually very acceptable in that world.
Andi Albright 1461
Voted for Yes at 12:21am on September 15th, 2009
He was MORE than a jerk, but being a nice girl, I can't call him what he actually was. I wish the media would stop giving him so much exposure & instead focus on what Beyonce' did for Taylor later. She is a class act!
Danielle Shanley 2399 Brainpower Score
Voted for Yes at 8:36pm on September 14th, 2009
what a tool! he knows how to get attention though??
Christine Ilac New Brain
Voted for Yes at 6:24pm on September 14th, 2009
He is the biggest jerk for doing that to Taylor. I mean I like the "Single Ladies" video but it is by no means "the best video of the century."
Andy Resewehr New Brain
Voted for Yes at 6:20pm on September 14th, 2009
Kanye is a Douche Bag
Tyler Hughes New Brain
Voted for Yes at 6:16pm on September 14th, 2009
Yes it was extremely rude that Kanye did such a thing. It made him look like a complete jack ass and he took Taylor's moment from her. To try and take someone's glory like he did will not bode well with everyone.
Amy Johnston 2055 Buddha Brain
Voted for Yes at 5:51pm on September 14th, 2009
I didn't watch the mtv music awards so I didn't see it when it happened. I did catch it on the news and from what I did see, he was very rude! I am glad that Beyonce was woman enough to get the attention back on Taylor so that she could finish her speech. I am not a fan of Kanye to begin with so it doesn't surprise me that he pulled a stunt like this!
Zak Khaliq 2376
Voted for Yes at 5:50pm on September 14th, 2009
I admire the way Kanye always stands up for what he believes and is not afraid vocalize his opinion even though he has a lot to lose in doing so. However in this case he was definitely an ASS...Taylor didn't have anything to do with the judging... he was a total dick to dampen her moment!!
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