What is wrong with wanting peace?

What is wrong with wanting peace?

11 answers , last was 15 years ago

Recently I was talking to my fiancee on the phone. She is visiting her family in VA until tomorrow (yay!) and she was at her grandmother's house with her little four year old cousin. Well her cousin and her grandmother said hello to my via telephone and I told Amanda to tell them I said "Peace out" because that is how I respond to people at least 50% of the time when they say hello or goodbye. Her grandmother then said "Don't say that to Katie, she is impressionable and they aren't allowed to say that in Pre-School!"

so here is my question:

What possible reason could the school board have for not allowing FOUR YEAR OLD KIDS to say PEACE OUT?

your thoughts!
(unrelated poll at bottom)

Asked by Kevin Copenhaver in Issues (global warming, immigration etc.) at 4:29pm on December 31st, 2008
Mary-anne Mackenzie 1200
Voted for I prefer Cats t... at 6:43pm on March 11th, 2009
All we are saying "Is give peace a chance". Peace out, peace here, peace there! Peace to you, and peace to me. Lets take it anywhere we can get it, starting young and watch it grow!
Unknown Brain 1236
Voted for I prefer Dogs t... at 6:43am on March 3rd, 2009
This just goes to show that Obamah has already currupted our Nation.
Jonah Udall New Brain
Answered at 6:06am on February 24th, 2009
Nothing is wrong at all!! those people have issues
Alison Vance 1544
Answered at 6:11am on February 15th, 2009
She thought you said something else
David Sanders 1260
Voted for I prefer Cats t... at 12:30pm on January 2nd, 2009
I really could go either way in reality, but Cats are easier to take care of.
Danielle Shanley 2399 Brainpower Score
Answered at 4:52am on January 2nd, 2009
As a former Preschool teacher, I can tell you that Manners are a big deal in PS. Although I wouldn't BAN something like that, I CAN see some parents complaining if "peace out" became something all the little ones were saying. Don't agree with it, but some parents are VERY focused on PROPER manners. My guess is that manners has more to do with banning "peace out" then it's origin or what it may mean to certain people....

When I was teaching I actually had to explain to one of my co-workers that it is NOT o.k. to teach the kids to say "OOOH, What a ripper!!!" after farting.....funny as it is...parents don't think so! :)


I agree...unfortunatly there are many parents out there who feel that it is OUR (meaning teachers) job to mold thier children and NOT thiers!! I once had a parent sit down with my director and DEMAND to know why I hadn't toilet trained her son yet (he was 3). When the director told her that toilet training was a TEAM effort and that SHE had to work at home with him just as hard as we were working with him at school....she just about flipped her wig!!! WHAT AM I PAYING YOU PEOPLE FOR?????.......sometimes you just can't please everyone!!! :)
Melissa Merritt 2399 Brainpower Score Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 7:33pm on January 1st, 2009
it's what the godless pot smokers say. duh. Also could be the ghetto thing Kasim mentioned. Also could be both, actually, since some ppl think flashing a peace sign is "for bad hippies."

haha about the "kids sounding cute"--I'm one of those ppl that laughs hysterically if my friend's kid says "shit" or something and my friend will be like "don't laugh at her/him!" It's just a word, but I see their point, since kiddies should at least be AWARE of existing social expectations...

Either way, I wouldn't worry about it at all. Just say "whoops, sorry" and put it out of your mind...move on...etc.

Also, even when elderly ppl piss me off by taking issue with stupid shit, I take a deep breath and remind myself they don't have a shit ton of time left on Earth compared to me, so if they wanna spend it whining like a six year old about whether or not you moved one of their ugly glass dolls....more power to them, seriously! ...it's not like they actually have any say in what I actually do, like a cop or something, make sense? Soooo when they fail to mind their own business about MY stuff...I just give them a nice plastic smile and continue my life :) Just as I would an actual 6-year-old :)
Unknown Brain 1353
Voted for I prefer Dogs t... at 3:39pm on January 1st, 2009
Its not the school board, It's the grandmother. Put simple!!!
Unknown Brain 2141
Voted for I prefer Dogs t... at 1:05pm on January 1st, 2009
I don't know why the school board would do that, but it's pre school so who knows what kind of crazy rules they have. Whether or not your fiancee's grandmother was even telling the truth about that, what puzzles me is why she would feel the need to correct you. True, grandmothers are crotchety and can impose stupid rules just because they're old, but still. You should have told Katie to tell her grandmother that she is "lame."
Jim Williams 2367 Buddha Brain Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 8:53pm on December 31st, 2008
I agree with Kasim. Sadly, preschool is where it ends. Once grade school starts the idea of correcting children s use of the language seems to take a back seat as it is not often re-enforced in the home.

As for anything kids saying is cute..... I hear that!!!


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