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Religion has he...
at 5:53am on July 28th, 2009
Here is my background and view:
I was brought up in the belief of God. I still believe in God. But, unlike your upbringing, I was not taught that I had to live a good life, could not sin, or that I should live in fear of eternal damnation. On the contrary, I was taught along the basis of John 3:16 : For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whosoever believes in him, shall not parish, but have eternal life.
It is silly to think that someone can "earn" their way into heaven or to believe that you have to live some sort of "perfect" life to get there. Bottom line, on a religious basis, God knows what is in your heart and what your intentions are or were at the time you did whatever and however you live. So, you attempt to be a "good" person out of your love for God and NOT to earn your way to heaven or because you are scared that if you don't, you will be punished and sentenced to eternal damnation. I believe you should ask for forgiveness for your sins to God, through Jesus' sacrifice and to Him alone. It is no one else's business.
Quite frankly, I am a decent person because I want to be. In other words, most of time, I have good intentions, but I don't strive to be perfect or really care too much about what other people think. Unfortunately, there really are too many religions out there that basically teach scare tactics to get you to be "good" and you have all these ridiculious rules they want you to live by, with the "scare" that if you don't, you will not be "saved." I went to one church that taught that you could not listen to rock music because rock music has drums in it and drums are the "devil's beat." Silly!! The point I am making is that many people think they have to put on a moral "show" to others, remove themselves from other "sinners" and strive to be perfect because their church misteaches them so. Hmmmm...didn't Jesus hang around the sinners? Could it be because not one person is perfect and not one person can or could ever save themselves? Quite simply, Jesus is the Savior, not you or me and without his sacrifice, no one is saved. So you can never earn God's love or favor.
So, those are my beliefs and thoughts on religion. Many religions DO make people believe they HAVE to live great, moral lives...and you are right to want to be a good person and live a good life...just because. You shouldn't do anything out of fear (in a religious context) because it is why you do something that counts..because that accounts for errors and removes unnecessary pressure.
Religion has been a moral guide for me but in the sense that I explained it. I do good because I want to and not to earn anything or out of fear of anything.