How would you punish her attackers? "/> How would you punish them?

How would you punish them?

18 answers , last was 15 years ago

For 44 days Junko Furuta was tortured in the most unimaginable ways in what has been considered the worse crimes in Japanese history.

I won't go into details here, but please check out this group before you answer:

How would you punish her attackers?

Asked by Kushal Malhotra in Random Questions at 2:39pm on May 15th, 2009
Yoyoo Yiu New Brain
Voted for Just lock them ... at 5:00am on February 25th, 2010
There's no point in killing them straight away without them learning anything. The worse thing we could do to them is make them realize what they did was wrong, and have them suffer that guilt for the rest of their lives.
Adrian Cerda New Brain
Voted for Kill them with ... at 5:25am on July 27th, 2009
this great young lady's life cut short because of some psycopathic, lustful, teenagers. no matter the excuse they should have the greatest torture, with death. this will rid these men from this world, and torture them as well. the romans did this, take the skin off with an iron comb, or left in a vile of boiling oil, any mideveil death way is substansial
John Grant 1276
Voted for Kill them at 5:31am on July 8th, 2009
I had kind of a long answer typed out, but I'll stick with this;

Hang 'em. No lethal injection, but no electric chair, either. Hang 'em.
Ben Conver 1294
Answered at 5:39am on July 7th, 2009
My response is going to piss someone off...just as a warning before you read it...

I don't think its our job or right to sit around and think about what we should do to someone that has wronged us so that we feel 'justice' has been served. We are not God, and those of us who believe in God know that people who are wrong will receive their punishment in the here after. So I really don't think its a good use of time or resources to punish individuals who are evil/bad or do evil/bad things by inflicting bodily harm or pain to them. Now would I hit someone back that hits me? Most definitely, would I retaliate if someone wronged me? Without a doubt. But do I think thats the right way to approach a bad situation? NO, of course not, but that doesn't mean in the heat of the moment I wont do something I'm not proud of either. I am a man and being a man am bound to all the responsibilities there in and like all men/women on this planet I can fall victim to my emotions. So what do I think we should do with people who are bad/evil? Ship them off to an island and let them kill each other, for if there was a true way to get justice from a bad situation I'd want others who have been damned as evil/bad to judge them because how could anyone in their right minds rightfully decide what is fair as a punishment? You cant, its just not possible, for someone will always feel like it was too much or too little a punishment and to contradict myself by playing devils advocate...where is the punishment in the death penalty? You did something bad so now were gonna take your life releasing you from ever having to have someone give you a dirty look for what you did or feel guilt or pride in what you did and to make it all better where going to punish your family by not only taking you from them but broadcasting to the world that we just took your life. For even the worst of the very worst has someone who loves them. Let the worst of the worst decide what punishment you should receive while on this planet in human form. For a very wise man once said "Let he who has no sin cast the first stone" and I know I'm not perfect therefor I'll let he who is make that call. But and this is a very BIG 'but' I wouldn't ship someone off to this mythical island of mine who wouldn't be spending the rest of their natural life in prison it would be reserved for the individuals who would otherwise receive the death penalty or have no hope in being 'reformed' or 'rehabilitated' or ever becoming a better person from what they did and who would otherwise be serving a or multiple life sentence(s).

But is my response/thought stupid? No its really not, but you don't have to agree with someone to realize that they make a good point. But I really don't think that my idea will ever come to pass for as I said we are all human and can all fall victim to our emotions in the heat of the moment.
Mohamed Hassan New Brain
Voted for Kill them with ... at 8:16pm on June 24th, 2009
eye for an eye
Rachel Maree New Brain
Voted for Kill them with ... at 5:03am on June 20th, 2009
If they were my sons i would consider it my duty to kill them. We kill rabid animals, whats the difference!
Inderjit Singh New Brain
Voted for Kill them with ... at 10:20pm on June 2nd, 2009
they should get 100 times of wht they did......
Nicola Watson New Brain
Voted for Kill them with ... at 11:46am on May 31st, 2009
Torture them to a greater extent than what happened to her and then kill them in the most brutal way!
Brent Taylor 2317
Voted for Kill them at 5:01am on May 25th, 2009
Just kill them and let God deal with it.

Trying to carry out similar torture doesn't really serve a purpose except to lower us to their level. Death is the ultimate punishment I'm willing to endorse. The balance will just have to be taken care of some other way.
Heather Llanes 1236
Voted for Kill them at 8:46pm on May 24th, 2009
Hang them or shoot them or fry them, whatever it may be, just just get it done and over fast. I don't think I would want to be tasked with making their torture either equal or worse just because I couldn't do it. But I wouldn't want to be around some one who could.

Or put them in general prison with their crimes loudly announced to the prison, that should take care of them quickly. Or spread the rumor that they were a pedophile.

Seriously though, where were the parents in all of this? Hell, where were the parents for the first 16-17 years of these brats lives???? That is a serious lack of parenting going on to allow kids to grow up like this and to allow the torture of another human being to go one for 1 day let alone 44???
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