Shouldn't they make a law that doggies need to be dressed up all the time?

Shouldn't they make a law that doggies need to be dressed up all the time?

20 answers , last was 16 years ago

Shouldn't they make a law that doggies need to be dressed up all the time?

Asked by Unknown Brain in Pets & Animals at 2:16am on February 7th, 2008
Unknown Brain 1892
Answered at 2:45pm on February 27th, 2008
Erin.... i'll give you a billion dollars, if you never ask that question again. PLEASE.
Mustapha Nabulsi New Brain
Answered at 2:20pm on February 22nd, 2008
are serious... is that a serious question??? we should get paid just to laugh at this shit
Tammy McGaa 2326
Answered at 12:16pm on February 15th, 2008
when u begin to make laws forcing things like this you go to far. besides this there is common sense...
if ur dog is an outdoor dog and it is raining or snowing then the clothing will get wet and they will end up with pneumonia...their own fur and the oils in that fur protects them just fine...GOD made them to withstand weather, man screwed them up. those breeds that cannot withstand the weather anymore due to mans interfering, should either be indoor dogs or have adequate shelter outdoor...not be dressed up...dressing them only hinders them. this is not to say putting jackets made for them on them temprarily will harm them, but this would be for like sub-zero temps, and the dog must go outside...this helps keep the body temp from dropping to fast before they can get back inside.
Alicia Bernes 1224
Answered at 11:40am on February 15th, 2008
No, and they should make a law banning people to dress their pets
Reagan Young New Brain
Answered at 11:09pm on February 11th, 2008
what's wrong with you? you wouldn't like it if someone forcibly dressed you up against your aesthetics and tastes.
Unknown Brain 1325
Answered at 10:45am on February 10th, 2008
Looks like you're getting some strong answers.

The problem here, is making a law requires a lot of time, effort, and money, and something such as clothing your animals probably won't come up in any public indecency discussions.

But, as much as some people say that their animals enjoy it, many animals DO NOT. I think that making a law regarding dog clothing would very quickly branch out into cat clothing, bird clothing, hamster clothing! What next? Plant clothing? Then they'll tell you what colour to paint your house! (Well. . . technically, some Home Owner Associations will actually tell you that your house cannot be the same colour as any neighbouring houses).

It would just be the first step. . .

In all seriousness though, I think it would be a not so nice law. Especially as no one should have any right to do something like that to an unwilling being, pet or otherwise.
Caleb Stallsworth 1593
Answered at 12:50pm on February 9th, 2008
No. No they shouldn't.
Michael DiBacco 1687
Answered at 8:01pm on February 8th, 2008
absolutely not, pets in clothes may look cute to you, but they already have a fur coat. But they don't like it when you take theirs and wear it yourself. How would you like to wear antlers or a bell around your neck 24/7. I bet you wouldn't like it very much. Take their feelings into consideration, they are living animals, not dolls.
Karen Kilby 1416
Answered at 11:08am on February 8th, 2008
No there shouldn't be a law
but there should be an awareness that very short coated breeds do need additional protection.
When you have a short coated breed the general rule of thumb is if you need a jacket so do they
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