Anything wrong with a lady making a marriage proposal to a guy?

Anything wrong with a lady making a marriage proposal to a guy?

17 answers , last was 16 years ago

It is quite evident that ladies outnumber guys and this is throwing a serious challenge on the female folks as not many of the guys are keen on marriage any more, but is there anything wrong if a lady finds herself head over heels with a guy, and feels if the guy is not ready to propose, she'll go ahead to propose?

Asked by Unknown Brain in Dating at 10:35am on March 10th, 2008
Linda Kongbam 1768
Answered at 1:28am on July 5th, 2008
Absolutely not...there is nothing wrong with a lady making a marriage proposal to a guy.This is a modern world and things have changed now.....This shows that the lady has found the right man for herself and that she is ready 2 commit herself 2 him for the rest of her life.Or maybe the guy is being shy and not able 2 propose her.
Dean Sakihama New Brain
Answered at 10:58am on March 20th, 2008
NO. There's nothing wrong with this. Unless you're hamstrung by feeling as though you have to conform to someone else's silly outdated expectations of what they think YOU should be doing, then do what you have to do to make yourself HAPPY! Ladies, if there's a guy out there that you've been seriously dating and you think that it's time to take it to the next level - BRING IT UP and move it to the next level. Relationships are supposed to be based on some level of equality, a give and take from both sides. Moves should be made by both parties.
Sholeen Pillay New Brain
Answered at 1:24am on March 20th, 2008
As tradition goes the man will usually do the asking. But times have changed quite a bit and woman sometimes get down on 1 knee to pop the question. Apparently on the 29 of february it is more acceptable for a woman to ask her man to marry her. Although i don't know about the success rate of those marriages.Sometimes guys are so shy the woman have to make the first move.
Sda Sda 1212
Answered at 3:23pm on March 16th, 2008
Anything wrong with a lady making a marriage proposal to a guy.
Julie Hartholt 1553
Answered at 10:48pm on March 11th, 2008
I personally would prefer the man to ask, it's more romantic and traditional. I asked my husband out for our first date because he was painfully shy then.....I'm glad that he proposed....despite women's lib.equal rights and all that stuff, I think most women would still prefer to be proposed to instead of the proposer.
JeJe Lu 1247
Answered at 8:08pm on March 11th, 2008
We live in a modern world, nothing is wrong with the lady taking the upper hand in the relationship anymore.
Stephanie Pagel 1224
Answered at 12:55pm on March 11th, 2008
I think that it is more than reasonable for either person in a relationship to propose. Traditionally it has always been the man to propose but times are changing as we can see just from the presidental candidates this year. It will be a first. There always has to be a first. I think that if a woman wants to propose than she should, whats the worst that could happen. It is only a question. However, she must be prepared for either outcomes. She can't just assume that because she is viewed as feminine that the guy will say yes. Not many men are getting married b/c of the expensive divorces that are so common and convenient now a days. But, when it comes down to it if the guy is not ready to pop the question to the girl he's definetly not ready to say yes to the question he has already answered for himself which is no. Although it could be that the guy is insecure in asking, doesn't think he has the financial capapbilities he would want in order to proceed in the relationship or just wants more time to really live with a person and see if you can tolerate, love and understand your partner. A long engagement like 2 years could be the solution. There are many outcomes for various situations but the bottom line is that if a woman feels that she needs to propose for whatever reason than that is completly fine. It's not just available to the men.
Bekah Grace 1554
Answered at 2:10am on March 11th, 2008
i don't think it's inappropriate for the lady to propose...however, be it guy OR girl, if the one proposing feels like the other one isn't ready, then as a couple, they're not ready for marriage, or engagement. engagement is a commitment to marriage, to forever...and if both parties are not positive that they are willing to make that commitment, then the proposal should wait. if marriage has been discussed, the couple knows they want to spend forever together, but the guy is waiting until he can make more money, get a better job, or just keeps putting it off, i don't see anything wrong with the girl asking the guy.

as with all relationships, it depends on the personality of the couple. some women are more straight-forward and dominant in the relationship, dating a man who likes to not have to make all the moves and all the decisions. he might welcome the break. other men feel "in charge" of the relationship and all decisions pertaining to it. only you know the personality of your relationship, your mate, and your individual situation.
Shameema Mukthar 2355
Answered at 10:56pm on March 10th, 2008
If guys are willing to do it, then i don't think its necessary for the girls to take turns........ girls are always over confident, they're the emotional beings who always tend to listen to their heart, and the emotions would look pretty sweet only untill the thought is broken, if he accepts whoooopy, if not it would hurt like you got slammed by the door. it takes so such gutts to propose to a guy, and why not if females talk so much of equality why not take up the chances too, its better to break it than keep it within and wonder "what's in his mind?"
Maggie Rose 1236
Answered at 8:19pm on March 10th, 2008
Opps, i didnt see johns entry, now i look a fool ^.^
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