Wake me gently?

Wake me gently?

45 answers , last was 11 years ago

My fiancee is asleep on the couch with our puppy. I want to know what I should do. We useally stay up untill 1AM at least. Should I wake him and ask if he wants to go to bed early, avoid disturbing him at all costs, or curl up with him because there is room on the couch for the tree of us.

Asked by Amanda Stewart in Random Questions at 5:38am on February 22nd, 2009
Kasim K 1908
Answered at 11:44pm on August 22nd, 2013
I would draw a mustache on his face with permanent black marker. :D
Brittany Runde 1360
Voted for If you saw your... at 7:35pm on March 3rd, 2012
Nothing wrong with some facebook pictures.
Evangelyn Phoon Jiang Ning 1260
Voted for If you saw your... at 5:19pm on March 10th, 2010
Wow! Sleep with the dog,It would be a cute picture.Put at the Photo album as a memory.
Heather Llanes 1236
Voted for If you saw your... at 3:11pm on April 19th, 2009
I'd take the pic, or several pics, and then get him to come to bed. Couches generally aren't that comfy to sleep on.
Sarika Kulkarni 2092
Voted for If you saw your... at 9:25pm on March 19th, 2009
Take pic and make sure its good one n clear.. try diff angles .. once done wake them up and ask them to go to bed..
Brandi Helton New Brain
Voted for If you saw your... at 7:30pm on March 16th, 2009
every moment is a photo moment. besides you can use it later as blackmail. (jokin')
Laura Smith 2366
Voted for or not at 11:37pm on February 25th, 2009
Zee Zee 2308
Voted for If you saw your... at 2:21am on February 25th, 2009
Do it! We dont have a puppy but a cat and I have dozens of photos of my husband (at the time my bf) and poopie as a kitten. I even had one of those very photos put in our video montage at the wedding! It was hilarious. I even videoed the cat doing this strange dry humping thing on him when he came home piss ass drunk and fell fast asleep on the couch...served him right to be violated by the cat!

Wake him nicely to go to bed....couch is great for a nap but a mattress is better for a long night's rest :)
John Wolfe 1260
Answered at 9:27am on February 24th, 2009
If i saw my boyfriend curled up on the couch with my puppy i would kill myself for having A boyfriend
Kara Joelle New Brain
Voted for or not at 10:44pm on February 23rd, 2009
I would think it was cute, but I would not take a picture. I would go to bed and leave him there--that is where he belongs anyway if you are not married.
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