Was Jesus black or was he white ?

Was Jesus black or was he white ?

24 answers , last was 15 years ago

Jesus lived in Jeruzalem but he still is seen as a white man on every image or movie.

Asked by Tim Van der Straten in Religion & Spirituality at 3:03pm on March 8th, 2009
Kirk Nelson 1259
Answered at 3:07am on April 28th, 2009
All I know for sure is we are all pink on the inside. So I am sure he was too.
Paula Thompson 1502
Answered at 5:59pm on April 27th, 2009
Jesus is a Jew, I am thinking He had a great tan from being in the desert. I think white people only picture Jesus white. 'Cept I am pale skinned, I think that He was very brown/plus the scripture describes him as homely.

Lynne Lefler 2012 Buddha Brain
Answered at 2:37pm on April 20th, 2009
My answer is yes.
Paul-Simon Sinclair 1337
Answered at 12:37pm on April 18th, 2009
Well we asked out teacher in school the same question 14 years ago and he answered.
I saw God she was black ! . back then we couldn´t figure out what he was telling us but now i guess he wanted to say that God / Jesus is whatever we can imagine.....

He is white because the roman catholic church in europe implemented him that way....
I guess in Africa or other countries you will see him as an mulatta or black one aswell
Andrea McKenzie 1337
Answered at 5:29pm on April 9th, 2009
Well, he lived around the Medditeranian (sp?) so he was likely not Aryan. By the same token, there is nothing to say that there was an African influence on the gene pool of the time, so I dn't think he was black either. I believe that he was the same color as the races that are currently in that area- the middle eastern, olive to light olive colors.
Laura Smith 2366
Answered at 11:14pm on April 8th, 2009
Well right now, he is in his spiritual form and transcends color, biology and race. But when he was alive I believe according to the area he lived in, I believe he was either olive skinned or dark skinned. Even if he was born snow white, it would have been pretty hard for him to keep that complexion living wherehe lived.
Heather Foran New Brain
Answered at 6:41pm on March 28th, 2009
I am thrilled to see that all the answers are positive and non judgemental. That's great. Peace, le't pass it around!
Unknown Brain 1892
Answered at 10:09am on March 23rd, 2009
Hard to tell. Hanging up there on that crucifix, i'm sure he got tan as hell hanging out in the sun catchin' those rays.

"Gnuk gnuk gnuk gnuk"
(that was bad, but just too easy to ignore).
Amy Johnston 2055 Buddha Brain
Answered at 10:50pm on March 19th, 2009
Despite what is portrayed in pictures, on tv, and in movies, Jesus was a Nazarene. I personally believe that He looks similar to what the people of the middle east look like today. He isn't black and He isn't white. It doesn't matter to me whether He is black or white anyway. He's still the son of God and that's all that matters to me.
Michael Cooke 1905
Answered at 12:24am on March 15th, 2009
Jesus was Jewish, that said, as a Jewish man his complexion could have been light or dark. People always make God look like themselves, and white people have been monopolizing for Christian faith the longest.
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