"The average dog is a nicer person than the average person." Agree or not?

"The average dog is a nicer person than the average person." Agree or not?

16 answers , last was 16 years ago

"The average dog is a nicer person than the average person." Agree or not?

Asked by Unknown Brain in Dogs at 11:20am on April 22nd, 2008
Rachel Golden 2191
Voted for Disagree at 9:13pm on May 23rd, 2008
I agree and disagree simultaneously really. The average dog is more social and forward with their affection than an average human, but, like any human, the slightest thing can cause them to snap on you and be not so nice.... so really their appearance of being a better human than the average human is just at surface.

The one thing that I will say the average dog, or even cat for that matter, has that the average human does not is the ability to "emphathize" and love unconditionally. An animal will want to make a person feel better and snuggle up to them when they are having a bad day, but most people don't want to deal with other people's issues either because they don't know how to deal with them or they aren't their own issues. So in that sense a dog is more advanced and tender. But everything else is just what appears at surface.
Jan Stringer 1578
Voted for Agree at 7:56pm on May 3rd, 2008
Dogs are better than human beings because they know but do not tell. Emily Dickinson.

My dog is my very best friend she doesn't judge, is always there for me and loves my unconditionally. I totally love and adore her and would defend her with my life and she would for me.
Darren Rye 2391
Answered at 4:56am on April 28th, 2008
but anurag, i think the reason that that dog is slobbering all over your face, is because it has done so in the past, either to you or someone else, and been rewarded. that dog has learnt that humans are to be treated affectionatel. conversely if you go to a house where the dog is rewarded for being vicious or aggressive, and you meet him/her for the first time, i'm sure he/she is less likely to be slobbery and "loving".
Ryan Lighton 1637
Voted for Disagree at 12:02am on April 28th, 2008
I'm a dog lover, and the reason we love dogs is because they're man's best friend. They are (in my opinion) one of the closet creatures to resemble us. We at the core are social people just like dogs. Picture this scenario:
You're meeting your best friend for lunch today, you've got so much to catch up on! As they approach you stand up to greet them from your table at the local coffee shop.
*****But now Imagine I've shrunk your brain to the size of a dog's****
All you'd be thinking is: THERE is my friend! I Love my friend! Since I can't form speech with my tiny brain I'll show affection by slobbering on said friend.

Dogs, just like humans, will defend themselves and their loved ones with vigour. Dogs, like people, will do what is needed to survive and defend themselves and their kin. Something we all look for as a virtue in eachother. I don't know about you guys... but my dog has the funniest sense of humor, and that's something that brings people together as well.
Laura Criado 1317
Voted for Agree at 2:11pm on April 27th, 2008
dogs don't have the evil mind humans have.
Ashley Turner 1577
Voted for Agree at 12:12pm on April 27th, 2008
Jody Mena 2396
Voted for Agree at 4:28am on April 26th, 2008
Dogs don't possess higher intelligence, so their love and loyalty is instinctual, and part of their nature.

Higher intelligence is necessary for both kindness and cruelty. Unfortunately, since your average person tends to be more cruel than kind, that means your average dog is indeed nicer than your average person.

"But Jody," you say, "I believe that most people are basically good!"

"Ah," I reply, "but you see, kindness and cruelty are in the eye of the beholder, and since humans are greedy by nature, they are more apt to be kind to themselves before being kind to others. If one takes for oneseolf, then others have less and they see one as cruel. Since one is singular and the others are many, more people see that person as cruel than kind, and therefore one would be classed as 'cruel'. Since we are all judged by others, often from a single encounter with strangers, and since few of us are wholly altruistic, especially with strangers, we are therefore all of us 'cruel' at one point or another. So we are all, inherently, meaner than dogs."

"You have a twisted mind," you tell me.

"I know," I reply "you should try living in here. Its MADNESS..." and then I giggle hysterically and go back to counting invisible butterflies.

Back to the topic at hand...

Dogs are much nicer than people. Humans are greedy by nature. Dogs, with their pack mentality, are naturally loyal and solicitous. On the whole, dogs are far more pleasant to be around than people. ^_^
Darren Rye 2391
Voted for Agree at 11:03am on April 25th, 2008
Dogs realise that without humans, they would struggle to survive. They know who puts food in their bowl. They do whatever they can to get praise from these people. If these people reward the dog for bad behaviour, the dog will do these things more often. Due to this subservence, they are also easy to reprimant (unlike humans, who will always think that they know better). I am going to agree, because if a dog is mean or vicious, it is not its fault, it is its owners (or the person who trained it), and although the same can be said about humans, we have much more freedom of choice as well as knowledge of right and wrong.
Ally McDade 1984
Voted for Disagree at 1:55am on April 24th, 2008
I think it depends on which part of the country you are in, who you are and what you look like. Also, people think all dogs are sweet loving creatures, but dogs can be dangerous and mean when mistreated or scared just like people. I think the same applies to humans. Most of us have our gaurd up because of something that happened to us in the past. but for the most part, we start all (including dogs) start off trusting and loving on another.
Fletcher Kauffman 1771
Voted for Agree at 6:26pm on April 23rd, 2008
I have met some mean dogs, but generally, their owners were still meaner. Once in a while, I meet a nice person that has a mean dog and I'm forced to ask them, "Hey.. why'da ya get a mean dog?"
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