Am I losing my mind?

Am I losing my mind?

14 answers , last was 14 years ago

Before I ask the question I just want to say that it has been a while and it feels damn good to be back here.

I know what some of you will think when you read this, but I want you to bear in mind that I have been with a few women. Those that used me, I could tell. Those that were just with me to try me out, I could tell. And, yes, those that could have given two shits less about me and snuck around with other guys, I could tell. But this one, I know she's different, there's something else to her.

I get these off-the-wall feelings, bad feelings, nervous feelings, happy feelings, and tired feelings. They just pop out of nowhere and hit me. So I'll tell my girl about them and - here's the weird part - she'll tell me that she was sad or happy or however I felt. I know she's not just making it up because sometimes she'll tell me about her day before I tell her about them. Other random things happen to the both of us, she'll have a rough night sleeping and I will too. I'll have a dream and she'll have some sort of experience much like it.

So, what the hell is happening to me? The scientist in me says that it can't be coincidence - I don't believe in coincidence. The romantic in me says there's some sort of spiritual connection. And the sarcastic side of me says that none of it makes sense, what the hell is going on? I'm just flat out not used to it.

Offer sage advice, personal experiences, some quack explanation, or just say that you don't know. I just want to know that I'm not insane.

Asked by Aaron Young in Random Questions at 2:19pm on August 26th, 2009
Alexander Baggett 1750
Answered at 4:41am on October 11th, 2009
She's probably your soul mate. You should stick with her. There, I said it so at least I can be certain that it was said.
Gino Das 1360
Answered at 2:32pm on September 20th, 2009
You're in tuned with this person,must be a good thing.Enjoy the moment.
Jonathan Burley 2375
Answered at 10:08pm on September 4th, 2009
My inner scientist suggests possible coincidence...

You and your girlfriend might have very similar days. Talk to each other, exposed to the same stuff at school, hear the same songs on the radio and similar stories when watching TV news at home.

Such background activity could influence both your moods in a similar fashion. For instance, for Sydney below, it might be that the album's artist had songs play on the radio recently that put their music in both your heads...

And there is a positive reinforcement effect, whereby if (say) 1 in 3 of your "random feelings" match with your girl then when you talk to each other you'll mostly remember feelings that match. And when reflecting on this phenomenon several weeks later then you will almost entirely remember when your feelings matched. Feelings that didn't match are more readily forgotten, it is a psychological oddity of how your brain works (Think about a phenomenon, and you recall supporting evidence more readily)
Sydney McCabe 1200
Answered at 8:21pm on September 4th, 2009
my husband and I are the same way. For the first few years, he didn't want to admit that there was some kind of weird psychic connection, but after a few strange "coincidences" that seemed like more than just coincidence, he couldn't deny it anymore. And he is not the type to believe in psychic phenomenon. Just one example, but not the only one we've had:

One day, I was looking at buying a music album online. I mulled it over for awhile, and ultimately decided that I would wait to buy the album until later. When my husband came home from work that afternoon, he handed me a gift. It was the same exact album I had been looking at buying online. And it was not one that had just come out, it was an older album. I hadn't spoken of wanting to buy it AT ALL. I had been looking at music randomly and had only stopped and focused on this album for awhile. There was no way he could have known I was thinking of buying it. And yet, there it was, and he had purchased roughly around the same time that I had been looking at it online. Could be explained away I suppose, but when it happened it was very weird. It was a little unnerving to a certain degree. Yes, we love each other, but to be psychically tuned into one another feels a little like being in the Twilight Zone, if you know what I mean. Like I said , we have had multiple experience like that, so its not has not been a one time freak occurrence for us. We still think its weird when it happens, but now we accept that we are obviously on some kind of similar wave length.

SO Whatever it is, psychic abilities, whether its just knowing each other well, being very much alike and having similar personalities, who knows for sure? SO long as you guys get along and love each other, just call it a lucky perk to be so tuned in to one another.
Unknown Brain 2141
Answered at 6:56pm on September 4th, 2009
Must be luv.
Michael Cooke 1905
Answered at 5:06pm on September 4th, 2009
Okay, first thing is to open your mind about the nature of coincidence. If you consider coincidence rationally, you must realize that the coincidence is only the synchronicity you're aware of and that many other synchronicitries may be happening that you do not notice.

If coincidence is more a rule than an exception, it explains how astrology, tarot and so forth, how that stuff can actually work. And here's the problem, the idea is not falsifiable. Synchronicity and coincidence require your awareness making the phenomena entirely too subjective for scientific validation.

The second thing is to realize the degree to which any persons feelings can be contagious. The peppy sales person, that peppiness is a learned trait - it puts customers in a mood to buy and the peppy salesman sells more. When people are upset and negative, it can make others feel upset and negative. The person that 'lights up a room' does so by being positive and happy in a contagious fashion.

The difference with this girl is that your guard is down and so you are more sensitive to how she is being at any given point. I don't know why your gaurd is down with her in particular, this is a decision of your subconscious and that's outside everyone's expertise.
John Robinson New Brain
Answered at 5:05pm on September 4th, 2009
Well let me start off with this, my powers of deduction tell me that you are a young man Aaron, 19, maybe 20, with that being said here is my answer.
What you are feeling love, yes true love, you may blow it off saying no thats not it but let me tell you I know from my past that is what it is. I am a 44 year old male who did not find true love until I was 32. I was in lust several times but not love, they feel sort of the same but the connection is not there. When two people are in true love it is almost as if they become one. If one is feeling sad or hurt, the other feels it also. If one is hungry the other will say, "hey lets get something to eat." We were put on this earth by a greater being and given feelings by him, when two people that are meant to be together get together they are like two halves making a whole. I don't think you a crazy, just crazy in love.
Here's hoping things work out for you as they have me, I have a wonderful wife and seven beautiful children and I knew she was the one for me after our first date.
Megan O'Leary New Brain
Answered at 4:37pm on September 4th, 2009
I know that it's possible because I have experienced it. I am a woman and I have had a wide variety of men in my life who fit your other categories to a tee. So when you find the one you are supposed to be with it's like a light clicks on for you. I wish you all the best in your life ahead... Don't screw it up. :)
Sarika Kulkarni 2092
Answered at 6:20pm on September 3rd, 2009
Well you are lucky to have being experiencing this.. its called tuning or six sense...
you get a signal (good/bad/happy/sad) from the ppl you truly love..

its generally seen in mothers... n we call it umbilical connection..

it also happens among the lovers..

u r blessed :)
Jim Williams 2367 Buddha Brain Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 10:02pm on August 29th, 2009
Great to see you back "Frank" :) *flashback

Dude, your not insane. But insanity has it's perks :), so don't dispel that notion immediately. Some people are more in tune with their surroundings, and more specifically other people, than others. You, being a man of nature, would be more apt to experience this without any effort at all.

Humans and animals project different "energies" when experiencing certain emotions. I'm sure you know what I mean when it comes to an animal being trapped, cornered, protective...etc. Humans are not that different. Some have the ability to sense this and fewer have the ability to actually understand what it means or how to use this "power".

I wouldn't over analyze the why or how.... rather be thankful you have a 6th sense that will come in handy down the road. What ever you do... Do not attempt to use this for World Domination!!! :D

Nice to see you again my friend :)
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