What is your definition of a religious cult?

What is your definition of a religious cult?

24 answers , last was 15 years ago

Give me your definition of a religious cult and name a one or more well-known group(s) that you feel fall into that category. Leave out any groups that are no longer in existence.

Asked by Susan Thomas in Religion & Spirituality at 3:49am on February 18th, 2009
Ed Shanley 1643
Answered at 3:55pm on March 29th, 2009
A cult won't let you leave (easily), a legitamite religious group will kick you out.
Michael Cooke 1905
Answered at 11:36am on March 27th, 2009
Is a subjective thing, the 'cult'. Generally the religion that's less familiar that you have any reason to resent could by you be labelled a 'cult'.

Famous cult behaviour, like suicides and weird sex - seem to have as a common element a factor where the cult isolates its members from their families and the influence of the 'outside' world.
Trent Christensen 1691
Answered at 4:40am on February 25th, 2009
Any belief system that is not accepted by society as a whole.
Unknown Brain New Brain
Answered at 3:07am on February 25th, 2009
I think a religious cult would be when there is a group of people who strongly believe in certain things and they try to push those beliefs onto others. When I think of them I typically think of when there are mass sucides in the name of religion or anything drastic like that. But I think that there could be ones that do good things as well, its just when I hear the word "cult" I think of the bad.
Ryan Harwood New Brain
Answered at 11:33pm on February 22nd, 2009
A religious cult, would be or includes any group or large number of people that worship and/or carry out activities focused on their religion.
David Souza 2399 Brainpower Score
Answered at 6:42pm on February 22nd, 2009
Given the actual ambiguity of the term "cult" it is very hard to see where this question is going.

Any religion is a cult, but I don't think that's what you are looking for. Please correct me if I am wrong. You are probably looking for "cults" as in obscure religious groups whose origin is shrouded in mistery and controversy. Ex: Heaven's Gate.

My definition of a cult is a group that follows one person and they usually end up dead or serverely impaired. Since it's impossible to determine until after said consequence I would not even attempt to guess which groups already mentioned are cults. Who am I to know or judge?
Joseph Morgan 2400
Answered at 2:56am on February 22nd, 2009
You said - Don't forget the Masons which many don't even realize is a religious organization. They've disguised themselves very well by all the community work that they do.

The Masons = Freemasons, whom I mentioned.

No problem ;-)
Melissa Merritt 2399 Brainpower Score Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 6:28pm on February 21st, 2009
They are smaller and therefore less popular, and therefore more suspected of any and all mischief. (Father Divine was a leader AND a black man in the '30s...therefore he MUST have been plotting against the government, end of fucking story--right??)

As far as I know his church still exists.

Divine also got a lot of flak cause Jim Jones claimed to be his reincarnation. As if the dead guy had any control over that, right? A side note--Jones was already born when Divine died, so ya know--but hey the claim got Jones followers *shrugs.* But Jones was a "cult" cause the group was small, not cause they were nuts. And of course they were nuts cause they were small, not cause they drank poison koolaid. Priorities, people! (oh come on, admit it--or not, but u see my point?) Otherwise ppl would be calling the Inquisitors cultists. But they don't. Even the most anti-religion person is biased in favor of larger groups, and therefore majorities just by the words they choose.
(I like the answers here tho.) And yes I know small religious groups can have their drawbacks--a friend of mine recently had a bitch of a time getting out of one, and they tried to make him choose between them and his fiancee. He chose his fiancee, thank God. (I actually am going to decline to give the name of the group, for personal reasons, one being I still know some members right now--it's not a fear thing, but I feel like a backstabber, since they are wonderful ppl. Messed in the head a bit, but delightful and kind. No I am not in it, never have been, never will be.) However, the sweeping generalizations bug me, as clubs and groups are part of FREEDOM--and prejudice is the first step toward policing and censorship. So IGNORE THEM UNLESS THEY'RE PULLING A MANSON OR SOMETHING. It's no one's business--what are we, the KGB? (Obviously not referring to anyone here.)

Of COURSE ya gotta cut yourself off from your know it all family--cause (whatever group) is hated and you will go back to your old depressive ways!!! (By the way, I'm not EVEN joking.)

Yes I know the Manson Family was a cult. Without the spiritual whackness, they would be a "revolutionary" terrorist group or street gang. (You know back in the olden times when anyone could be a terrorist, not just Muslims :X )

Scientology sounds whacko with the evil alien tyrant stuff, (Hubbard was a sci fi novelist) but as far as I can see, Dianetics is typical mind over matter self help stuff--so I can see why ppl might like it.

(A side note--my sophomore year of college I was infatuated with the idea of starting a cult but it seemed to be too much effort and I had a short attention span anyway.)


Oh I wouldn't doubt it for a second...tho on the other hand I suppose I'm glad said religion was based on the whole "Choose Happiness" thing that is pretty generic BUT I can say WORKS after lots of practice. I'm not too big on the accompanying alien story but to each their own *shrugs* But yeah, didn't he disappear ALONG WITH a bunch of money?? lol or am I confusing him with someone else...
GeeBee Khalique 1199
Answered at 10:06pm on February 20th, 2009
when people join a group and are are willing to follow the leader regardless of what he commands them to do.
Emma Kinnison 1212
Answered at 1:02pm on February 20th, 2009
1. A particular system of religious worship, esp. with reference to its rites and ceremonies;
2. An instance of great veneration of a person, ideal, or thing, esp. as manifested by a body of admirers;
3. The object of such devotion;
4. A group or sect bound together by veneration of the same thing, person, ideal, etc;
5. Group having a sacred ideology and a set of rites centering around their sacred symbols;
6. A religion or sect considered to be false, unorthodox, or extremist, with members often living outside of conventional society under the direction of a charismatic leader;
7. The members of such a religion or sect;
8. Any system for treating human sickness that originated by a person usually claiming to have sole insight into the nature of disease, and that employs methods regarded as unorthodox or unscientific.
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