What should be the most important subject taught at school?

What should be the most important subject taught at school?

25 answers , last was 16 years ago

Doesn't have to be a subject that is already being taught either.

I know what I think, but was wondering what other people think is the one subject, above all others, that should be taught in schools throughout the world.

Asked by Cameron Trickey in Arts & Humanities at 5:15pm on January 27th, 2009
Unknown Brain 1200
Answered at 8:37pm on February 18th, 2009
I think THE MOST important thing you can teach a child is "Critical Reasoning" skills.

Instead of spanking a child for walking out into the street without looking both ways, teach a child WHY it's important to look both ways.

If you can teach a child to think (and reason through) their actions and the consequences of their actions, above all else, they will succeed in life!
Katie Hollingsworth 1416
Answered at 2:01am on February 13th, 2009
I don't think that there is one "subject" that should be taught in schools. I believe, as a teacher, that it is important to expose our children to as many subject areas as possible. This way they can pick which subject areas interest them the most.

Having said this, I also believe that there are some very important concepts that should be introduced and explained to every child. These include, compassion, honesty, and a sense of how wonderful originality really is in our world of look a likes and followers. Too many of our youth are not being allowed to express their opinions because they are afraid that their peers or even mentors will not appreciate them for who they truly are!
Joyce McCarthy 1416
Answered at 2:45am on February 7th, 2009
Our children need to be taught statesmanship.

Our preschoolers need to be taught compassion.
Unknown Brain 1892
Answered at 9:04pm on February 6th, 2009
In this country, I would say "accountability". It seems silly, But it's fucking amazing how many people don't grasp the concept of everything from "why it's important to show up to work on time" to "why not paying off your credit card will hurt you in the long run". I think that in this country, it boils back down to that "self entitled" and "instant gratification" attitude. GLOBALLY, id say World diplomacy. The importance of respecting cultural differences, how they're different, pros and con's, religious differences, and leaning how to respect them, regardless of personal differences. This also means how to communicate in a diplomatic manner. My guess. *shrug*
Wendy Wood 1416
Answered at 7:29pm on February 6th, 2009
Dries Van den Poel 1200
Answered at 6:35am on February 6th, 2009
Tell them stories!

But when they become to old for stories?

Tell them even more stories!
Joseph Morgan 2400
Answered at 5:56am on February 5th, 2009
Money Management.

What is it, Cameron? I keep checking back to see what it is!
John Supp 2272
Answered at 6:50pm on February 3rd, 2009
Unless students know how to analyze what they are being taught, they will be unable to distinguish truth from falsehood, fact from fiction. It isn't being taught in most schools I've heard about, and as a result, thinking logically is a skill most people are without nowadays.
I took a logic class at community college, and was stunned by the inability of my classmates to distinguish a logical argument from a propaganda statement, even those who were twice my age!
Without the ability to think through what they are being told, people will buy into all sorts of nonsense.
Melissa Merritt 2399 Brainpower Score Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 8:14pm on February 1st, 2009
Sorry for slowpoking--I guess I gotta stand by my answer--I think that's the most important skill regardless of where you are and regardless of who is teaching it to you. Some people teach it themselves--and the whole world does not need a teacher, much less an education system. But as far as "school" simply meaning "learning," yeah, it's the most important--even though some end up teaching it to themselves. Yet it's not something most kiddies can handle, so I think the sooner they learn it safely the better. School system or not--"throughout the world" makes me think of the old "white man's burden" bullcrap that still gets carried on, tho I know that's totally not whut YOU meant--it's only what I think of when I hear it. I'm just a bit leery of installing schools all over the world, "bringing education to the poor un-sea-villized folks," etc.I admit I'm paranoid tho when it comes to stuff like that. I think the lonely survival thing is something that IDEALLY everyone should learn safely (read: before it's actually needed, therefore ASAP) IF possible tho. Make sense? But since it's often already a "needed skill," I could say education's a "back burner" necessity there anyway. The punkish ppl would prolly be teaching in america tho ;) Mainly cause in other countries they'd be the ones learning...

I had not heard of that book but it is similar to ones a couple of my friends like to pass around. Especially from Crimethinc--ever heard of them? All things anarchist and DIY...they're interesting!
Brooke Rhodes 1749
Answered at 7:22am on February 1st, 2009
hmmm. well i think a number of things are important.enough to have a full day of classes. but here is what i think in order.
1. History- For those who don't know it are doomed to repeat it.
2. Science- It's good to know how the natural world works. (natural as in nature to its deepest core)
3. [This is where i mostly agree with Ali] Practical Law- the section of law that affects you everyday
4. Basic Math- Cuz isnt that all we really need?
5. Life Skills- not making your own pillow. more like how to communicate, what you can do if you're suddenly homeless, first aid skills, cooking.... etc. For the most part, how to be Rambo.
6. Psychology and Sociology- You need to know how people work, both individually and as a group.
7. Physical Education- Before we never do anything ever again. (though we could achieve world peace that way lol)
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