What is the biggest scam in The United States right now?

What is the biggest scam in The United States right now?

22 answers , last was 5 years ago

My personal opinion being someone who suffers from many health problems that 'Health Insurance' and 'Prescription Drug Prices' are the biggest scams in the United States right now. Everyone needs Health Insurance but the moment you use it your premiums sky rocket and your co-pays go through the roof! I had to take out a ridiculously huge policy to cover the amount of doctor's visits and prescription coverage I need and its absolutely terrible how much of my money I dont see because of how much I shell out. Like no lie I claim it on my taxes its that much! Like I dont necessarily think that we should have free health care but if the president were to ask me personally one thing I could change in this country I would ask to make it so that in my older years I wont have to ever choose between buying food and going to the doctor, because I know that is the case with some senior citizens..

On the same topic another thing that really lights my flame is that Cooperate America continually cuts the funding on the research of Herbal and Supplemental medication. Did you know that we actually knew that Co-enzyme Q-10 can delay the onset of Parkinson disease years and years before it became public knowledge? Or that 'Shark Cartlidge' has been proven to stop the growth of new blood cells feeding Tumors? yeah its true, they figured that one out when the right people noticed that Sharks don't develop Tumors...

Asked by Ben Conver in Current Events & Politics at 4:07am on July 7th, 2009
Matthew Anthony 1317
Answered at 4:24am on October 28th, 2018
Trump's presidency!
Robin Boyd 1212
Answered at 10:14am on August 28th, 2009
Not the biggest, perhaps, but one of the most insidious scams is the fact that our drinking water is being deliberately poisoned with the toxic byproducts of the phosphate fertilizer industry (known as "flouride," aka Fluorosilicic Acid, aka Sodium hexafluorosilicate) so that it (the industry) has a means of disposing of its toxic waste that would otherwise be very difficult and costly.
Oh, and they have been doing this perfectly legally in every state except Utah and Hawaii since around 1947 because it is supposedly helping to reduce cavities in our teeth. Yeah, right. As if big government would (or should) care about tooth decay even if the claims were true (they're not) and even if the benefits of putting this stuff in our water supply outweighed the risks (they don't). What gives them the right to put this stuff in our water? If you don't believe me, check your local public works department. Then check the MSDS to read about the toxicity of the chemicals that are being used to fluoridate your water and mine.
We seriously need to take back our water supply.
Melissa Marie New Brain
Answered at 3:27am on August 12th, 2009
Barack Obama not because hes black just because i think that a lot of things are going on right now witch we are not getting answers for. It may take the American public a little longer to notice but they are not dumb just being neglectful they will surly catch up sometime soon and hopefully put a stop to it
if i'm wrong and the things that he is doing right now sound funny and end up turning to be a good thing for our country then more power to him for making America a better place =)
Unknown Brain 1892
Answered at 9:59am on July 30th, 2009
Debi Murphy New Brain
Answered at 10:51pm on July 22nd, 2009
Barack Obama
Unknown Brain New Brain
Answered at 10:05pm on July 22nd, 2009
honestly... im not an American but i do research enough to know a bit about this. simply it is the same as everywhere else... the government itself is the biggest scam every where. they all promise new and better things but with what money? the world is poor at the moment (compared to before) therefore any promise they say they can keep is not them but us keeping it for them (not that keeping the world well is bad). the money paid through taxes helps to fund wars the world doesnt need. the whole worlds become more corrupt in every way... they work for those with money to buy them (every man and women has there price). honestly think about any high ranking person or job and ask yourself... "how could that help those with money" and you will see what im talking about. the world is not the way it should be (that is to say the way nature intended). but no matter what happens the world will always be run by those with money not those that make fake promises THEY cant keep.
Unknown Brain New Brain
Answered at 7:53pm on July 22nd, 2009
The BIGGEST scam in America? That's an easy one: EVANGELICAL CHRISTIANITY. Rob from the poor and ignorant, buy off politicians, and pay no taxes -- what a country! It reminds me of... IRAN. The audacity of the leadership knows no bounds, the educational system heads right down the toilet, and violence and intolerance escalate. The meek shall inherit nothing.
Ray Roddy 1533
Answered at 5:22pm on July 22nd, 2009
The bail out...Not that I think Obama had a choice...Or even Bush before him, but we bailed out AIG so they could pay out insurance to companies who invested badly and now are having record profits while AIG slurps at the public trough. Big biz will always run us. The other scam is the massive lobby trying to protect the private health concerns by dragging the Canadian system down with lies and false examples, I lived there for a number of years, you may wait 3 months for an MRI, but you'll get one! You may wait 3 months for a new knee/hip etc. But you'll get one!
They do Prioritize and if you need an instant MRI, you'll get one along with drugs at half price...What do I get for $500 per month? An $8,000 deductible per year and a cap at $5 mill...Co-pay my Doc and panel work...Millions of Americans have zero coverage. The richest country in the World cannot/will not look after it's citizens...Shame on us!!!!!!
Zak Khaliq 2376
Answered at 5:00pm on July 22nd, 2009
four years of college...they can fit everything of value into two years like they do in England
Matt Cross 1236
Answered at 4:57pm on July 22nd, 2009
In my opinion, the biggest current scam in America is Social Security. It's nothing more than a massive, legal Ponzi scheme. Eventually it's going to fail, because money is being withdrawn by those who have never put anything in. The money can't just generate itself out of thin air, eventually there won't be any left to pay out to those who did put something in. Saving for retirement is obviously necessary, but this is something that a person can do by himself, one doesn't need the government's "help" to save one's money.
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