The book of revelations - is doomsday approaching or has it already passed?

The book of revelations - is doomsday approaching or has it already passed?

9 answers , last was 8 years ago

Armageddon seems to be a bit of a buzz word these days so what about it?
Do you believe that it was written during the time of Roman occupation and oppresion and that Nero's name translating into the number 666 shows that everything has passed?
Or are you readying yourself for the 'great tribulation judgments' and all it has to offer?

Asked by Cameron Trickey in Random Questions at 10:33am on April 2nd, 2008
Kasim K 1908
Voted for We're boned at 7:36am on February 21st, 2017
Where u at Cam?
John Supp 2272
Answered at 5:33pm on May 20th, 2008
As evidenced by every other post on this question, Revelation is a very misunderstood book. Nero wasn't the antichrist. He doesn't fit the right parameters, and he did not launch a direct military attack on God with the combined forces of planet earth under his command. Also, you're only boned if you reject Jesus' offer of salvation. It helps if you use more of the Bible than just Revelation to figure out what's going on.
Laura Smith 2366
Voted for We're boned at 7:04pm on April 3rd, 2008
uhh I belive that since we are all still alive, that it hasn't happened yet.
Unknown Brain 1892
Answered at 1:16am on April 3rd, 2008
Armageddon came, and almost went. (bush's term).

*if tha's a serious question.... the concept is Horse shit. As is the "idea" of it. Sure... the earth is already overdue to be popped by a mediorite, comet, etc... (something to destroy it). But its not god. It's science.

Kira Herdklotz-Yasutake 1294
Voted for Nero was the an... at 10:04pm on April 2nd, 2008
though my answer is still uncertain, if we pass this war w/ the middle east-- alive, no less-- we've already passed any hope of armageddon. i ain't no psychic, so i cant detect the future past a year from now, but we'll work on it.
Jim Williams 2367 Buddha Brain Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 9:18pm on April 2nd, 2008
In the quatrains of Nostradamus there are many references to individuals that will attempt to conquer/destroy the world. An anitichrist if you will. For example he calls the name Hister and details his rise and fall. Obvioulsly, this is refering to Hitler. There are many other prophesys that name others from the past, present and future. Of course people can read almost anything the way they want if they think hard enough about it. My point is that from the text of Revelations one could easily interpret that anyone who is opposed to Christ, as the Antichrist.

An antichrist doesn't even have to be of the biblical sense. Anyone who poses a threat towards mankind can be referred to as an Antichrist. People who do not believe in God or the writings of the Bible use this term. So I would have to say we have faced doomsday many times and have prevailed. Not because it was Gods will but because mankind diverted disater themselves. Just my interpretation anyway.....
Unknown Brain 1283
Answered at 1:43pm on April 2nd, 2008
Ok here we go God told me that there is another commandments. (Now with the Thou shalts!)
11: Thou shalt not believe everything one reads.

Its a book that is proclaiming love and tolerance for the second half of it except for the last chapter written by Jesus' crazy cousin. He was crazy he lived off locust in the desert for years, and then later when his mind had fully left him he went to an island and wrote revelations. Let's just say he isn't the best of sources when it comes to the damnation of the Earth.
Jessie St Amand 2400
Answered at 12:22pm on April 2nd, 2008
According to tradition, St. John spent his last, senile years writing Revelations on an island while mumbling repeated phrases to himself. Call me crazy, but that doesn't sound like a very good basis for apocalyptic prophecy. It just sounds like a good argument for the existence of nursing homes.
Stas Urban 2168
Answered at 10:40am on April 2nd, 2008
its all a load of crap-If there was a so called god and anti christ than what are they waiting for-God hasnt created anything for about 10,000yrs and the anti-christ still hasnt shown up cause we are all still here.It is my own personal believe that the bible is nothing more than a childrens story to help kids become beter people-it tells them to respect their parents and not to fear death-thats all good and dandy but its a fiction novel-If you read the story it sounds more like a harry potter book than the word from the creator
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