Time to come clean?

Time to come clean?

9 answers , last was 14 years ago

Unless you've been hiding under your desk for the past two years because of the perpetually "elevated" terror threat level, you know that recently Tiger Woods got caught with his pants down...literally. Needless to say, his sexcapades sparked a tidal wave of news coverage not seen since Rick James was rich.

Yet, despite the relentless coverage most people we ask tell us that they weren't at all interested in the Tiger story.

What gives? How can there be "no one" interested when we all know the TV networks are masters at playing the ratings game? Somebody got to be watching this sh@%!

Here's your chance to come clean.

How interested were you in the Tiger Woods Affair(s)(s)(s)? Did you check out any of the girls he was with? The scandalous text messages? Why did you do it? Are you a golf fan or was there some other reason you wanted to know?

Also, is there a celebrity that you are particularly obsessed with? Why?

Asked by Joeseph Adai in Random Questions at 3:58pm on April 13th, 2010
Stacie Richardson 1224
Answered at 3:50pm on May 6th, 2010
Celebrities are people just like you and I and unless their personal life touches my personal life, I don't consider it news to me. I know very few people that would be considered celebrities so Tiger's issues don't affect my life. Should we take a lesson from Tiger's failures, sure but everyday people make the same mistake and I've learned more from the people closest to me. I was/am incredibly tired of hearing about Tiger Woods and the mess he made of his life. He's still got millions of dollars so it seems most Americans didn't care enough about it to stop buying his branded items.
David Souza 2399 Brainpower Score
Answered at 4:24pm on May 4th, 2010
I did not care at all. I am not one to keep up with any celebrity or what they do. Read Kevin's answer, I feel the same way.
Kathleen O'Brien Williams 1642
Answered at 12:39pm on April 23rd, 2010
I'm from the school of " its nobody's business". However, I must say I was curious about the Tiger-Jesse James scandals in a human nature kind of way. Woe the poor suckers that get caught. I agree with Kassem. Cheating is rampant. Doesn't make it OK but it does make me think wtf. Anyway, I am guilty of a major crush on Robert Downy Jr. Obsessed no! Drooling ?maybe a little.
Kevin Copenhaver 2371
Answered at 2:43am on April 22nd, 2010
I just don't care about any celebrities. They are people, just like you and me, and unless I am directly involved in someone's life, I don't find personal business to be "news". I was the same way during the whole Clinton thing.
Jim Williams 2367 Buddha Brain Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 5:13pm on April 19th, 2010
Tiger is Tiger, those that Love him will always be loyal.... even the sponsors will come crawling back. However, as to the question...nope... not a peep...not a Tweet... not a glimmer... a joke or two maybe but hey! he's a Celeb what can I say? He has it I don't so I will exercise my human right to be an envious ass and poke fun.

Now...obsession on the other hand... yeppers!!! The greatest of all time MM. If I knew I would be spending eternity with her I would call it quits right now!!!!! LMAO I would hope that the signature MM was sufficient, just in case I'm referring to Marilyn Monroe, THE GODDESS ;)
Kasim K 1908
Answered at 12:28pm on April 16th, 2010
Nope i never gave a crappage. So what he cheated, its his life not mine. Lots of people cheat on their spouses, way more than one can imagine. I get hit on so many married women its ridiculous to the point where im like, do i even want to get married? Cause women are waaay better at not getting caught than men. Men are just terrible at covering their tracks.
Marilyn Lawson New Brain
Answered at 8:51pm on April 14th, 2010
I was not at all interested in his affairs. Am I interested in his recovery YES
Sarika Kulkarni 2092
Answered at 7:59pm on April 13th, 2010
There have been so many cats out of the bags of celebrities in the past that such news merely amuse people now.. I would rather watch National Geography
Patricia Clarke 1271
Answered at 4:27pm on April 13th, 2010
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