What If...

What If...

18 answers , last was 15 years ago


Answer the previous 'what if' as would apply to your life, ask a 'what if,' and see what the next person says:)!! This is a great way to lean about the perspectives of other people, or just have a good laugh. Enjoy!!

Asked by Evelen Hough in Random Questions at 10:38pm on April 12th, 2009
Lynne Lefler 2012 Buddha Brain
Answered at 10:44am on May 6th, 2009
What if the previous poster had understood the question, and left me a question to answer?

What if you could travel into space safely? Where would you like to go?
Hunt Blatz New Brain
Answered at 2:58pm on April 18th, 2009
Asking "what if" can be a paralyzing question to ask. We are the sum of our actions. I frequently ask myself "what if", and I try to apply the same discipline I have in my work. So perhaps I can write something here that is practical. Ask yourself "what if" regularly and really consider those things that are most important to you. Use a journal to write these down. When you believe the outcomes are unexpectedly different from what you believe should happen, jot that down in the journal, and go back to see if there is something you missed. Think through how you could have made a better decision - and this next bit is important - based only on the information that was reasonably available to you at the time you made that decision. When you recognize that your decisions can be better in the future, accept your mistakes, accept the consequences, forgive yourself, and go forward.

In my line of work we ask "what if" every day to understand what tens of thousands of possible future outcomes might look like for the company. We use this to make choices about what we want to do next. "What if" helps us make better choices in the future. This takes a great deal of discipline. We can't take everything into consideration, so we focus on what we believe matter the most, whether we can change them or not. And we work primarily on the items we can change and improve. We also want to understand what might happen as a result of the things we can't directly affect.

We may learn that there is something else we might want to consider as we ask "what if" for making decisions, but we don't really want to make our lives more complicated. So then we may go back and ask "what if" again about decisions we made in the past while taking this new items for consideration into account. If the results work out for the better, we start considering the new item as we go forward, but we don't dwell on the past.
Melissa Hipple 1581
Answered at 5:09am on April 18th, 2009
If my whole life was a dream......
I guess i'd never know the difference .

What would happen if love was the most important thing in life over money and power>?
Samara Khalique 1306
Answered at 3:02am on April 18th, 2009
I would help all those with torn hearts. I would help define love for those who hate rather love, get everyone to realize that "all they need is love".

your whole life was just a dream.......
Unknown Brain New Brain
Answered at 6:32pm on April 17th, 2009
i would know itd be effortless to tell anyone because no one would believe me, so i would live like crazy and do as many dangerous things i could think of, and the week of it hitting i would find everyone i love and tell them they're all going to die and run away screaming! than go to where i think it'd hit and wait for it.

what if love could be defined, whelded, and resolved at your command, what would you do with this privilege?
Shashank Sondhi 1212
Answered at 6:29pm on April 17th, 2009
I would ask the presidents to stop whining and try and deflect it or stop it. then I would request them to let everybody enjoy themselves. Hopefully there can be peace on earth for the last week. Then I would spend a TRUCK LOAD of money inviting friends from other countries to india for a guided tour and, obviously, attendance to my wedding wherein I would tie the knot with my girl and enjoy a week of love and happiness with her and my families and friends.

What if you found out that you would live to be 1408 years old without having to suck anyone's blood, eat their flesh or over indulge in any way?
Casey Blankenship 1517
Answered at 4:50pm on April 17th, 2009
Reach in, grab it, and wash my hands really really good.

What if you were the only one who knew there was an asteroid heading for the earth that would wipe out all mankind, and there was only one week until impact?
Ed Shanley 1643
Answered at 12:43am on April 16th, 2009
I would buy a big apartment building with a huge courtyard, that had a balcony for every apartment, then I would invite alll my friends and family to move in. Everyone would have pads of paper and pens and pencils. That way we could write little notes and throw them on to each others porches, I guess we could even draw nice pictures. We could send notes to each other on our birthdays, or congradulate somone on a new job. Just tell a friend your having a bad day, or your off to the gym. I could waste hours doing that...

what If you saw a 100 dollar bill floating in the blu stew of a porta potty
Julia Elizarraraz 2298
Answered at 3:47am on April 15th, 2009
that's a hard one. i like the idea of travelling but i would like to put down some roots at some point. but assuming the moving around in a trailer is not for the rest of my life, i would say yes.

what if... there were no computers, cellphones, or televisions. how would you pass your leisure time?
Zee Zee 2308
Answered at 5:12am on April 14th, 2009
#4 is very tempting for a shoe addict!!!! How about a combo of am immortal with endless money?

If you could travel back to a time in your life and meet yourself...what advice would you let yourself know for the future?
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