What should I do for my husband that would be romantic for Valentine's day? We have a 2 year old so nothing crazy or too expensive. Thoughts?

What should I do for my husband that would be romantic for Valentine's day? We have a 2 year old so nothing crazy or too expensive. Thoughts?

18 answers , last was 16 years ago

What should I do for my husband that would be romantic for Valentine's day? We have a 2 year old so nothing crazy or too expensive. Thoughts?

Asked by Anonymous in Love & Relationships at 2:34pm on February 6th, 2008
Jennifer Winfree New Brain
Answered at 11:17am on February 13th, 2008
My husband and I also have a young child (18 months), and if it were possible, I would definitely find a sitter for the evening and just go to dinner or do something we both enjoy doing. I think it's important just to have that "reconnect" time, no matter what you decide to do, to remind us what we're like when it's just us.

However, getting a sitter is not an option for us, so my husband offered to cook a special dinner (which is something you could do if he doesn't like to cook), and I've gotten him a box of candies that he'll enjoy, and a special "I love Daddy" book from our son. Simple, but should lead up to a nice romantic evening.

And of course, there's the couple of hours after baby goes to sleep. Put on some music and dance, or just go outside and watch the stars while holding your sweetie! Hope these ideas help!
Unknown Brain 1224
Answered at 7:20pm on February 12th, 2008
Step 1 - Find someone to watch your child for the evening. Maybe one of the grandparents would be willing to take him/her for afternoon and evening.

Step 2 - Think of something he would truly enjoy... while being romantic at the same time. Example: My boyfriend is a lighting designer and I am a sound engineer. We love watching shows together, so we can easily turn something that we enjoy into a romantic evening. Basically, think of something or somewhere he would enjoy, and choose a setting.

Step 3 - Take him out for lunch/dinner. You don't have to go anywhere expensive. Just go somewhere that you can be alone and talk to each other and just be together without any distractions. If it's a nice day, you can even eat outside if you so choose.

Step 4 - Go on a nice walk together. Nothing is sweeter than a romantic walk alone. If it's cold where you live, bundle up and keep each other warm. Use the time to reconnect and to escape from the stresses of everyday life.

Step 5 - If someone has so kindly offered to watch your child for the evening, take your husband back home and watch a movie together. Wherever that leads is up to you.

Step 6 - Remind your husband that you love him.
Adam Erinc 1212
Answered at 6:42pm on February 11th, 2008
If you like them, board games and dinner, it promotes competition, doesn't leave either one of you to fall asleep during your activity, are usually easy to clean up/ learn how to play and finally are great for conversations and memories. Movies are nice, but when they're over, you don' feel like you've accomplished anything.
Clayton Dawkins 1270
Answered at 3:21pm on February 11th, 2008
dinner and a movie.
Yanet R Pepen 1391
Answered at 9:50am on February 11th, 2008
Some of the advice already given sound like great ideas, you may think about having your son stay with someone for the night and have the night for the two of you - if you can't do that, then have your 2 year old do a lot of activity that day so when he/she goes to bed, he/she will stay in bed.. Fix a romantic dinner, something not too heavy, light and sensuous would be great, make special desert that the two of you will share while eating it.. and maybe have some fun with it eating it off each other.. *wink. If you are fanatics of taking pics of your life or home videos.. prepare a presentation in video or picture form and have a projector to view it just the two of you.. a movie that you two have made during the time you have been together.

This should not cost you a lot, and it is very rewarding. If you can afford something a bit more expensive.. go to a motel.. rent one of those rooms with heart shape baths.. and have fun!
Stas Urban 2168
Answered at 1:38am on February 11th, 2008
How about an old fashioned home cooked candle lit dinner for 2 then put the little one to bed and after that the 2 of you cuddle and watch a nice movie something you both can enjoy ... after the movie well ill just let your mind create the rest of the sentence
Gia Veronica Boado 1519
Answered at 10:29pm on February 10th, 2008
As a present, you should get your husband something he has had his eye on whenever you guys ever went out shopping. Doesn't have to be something big, not all guys look at giant TVs all the time. There is something small, maybe a golf club or a DVD or a CD or a back massager or something....save the present for dinner.

You should send your child off the night before with someone you trust for the next day so you and your husband can spend the night and the next day alone together.

You should wake up to each other and cuddle before you get out of bed. Then you should take a nice bath or shower together before making breakfast TOGETHER or going out to a familiar place you both love to eat at.

Spend the day going through your memories, old dates, old stories. Go to where you first had a date, relive the days. Go on a picnic. Spend time together with no worries.

For dinner, stay home, rent a movie you both like, get some popcorn, cuddle up in the couch with blankets and pillows. Give him his present.

Don't forget to pick up your child the next day after a night of fun. :)
Tony Robertson 1382
Answered at 5:39pm on February 10th, 2008
One excellent thing to do is learn his love language. Learn what he appreciates and give that to him.
An evening filled with things you can enjoy. Does he like to serve or be served ?
Plan a loose itinerary and make sure to keep the whole night open. Plan for at least one thing to run long.

Romance is a beautiful thing that often bears fruits that are everlasting. Make sure to extend the romance beyond V-day and make that night special.
Sheila Daley 1379
Answered at 2:29pm on February 10th, 2008
Send the kid to the grandparents or daycare for a few hours, prepare his favorite meal, and seduce him..
Ed Ant 1069
Answered at 10:39am on February 10th, 2008
When was the last time a man cared about romance? Never that's when.

Send the kid off to the grandparents/cousin/aunt/uncle/friend/neighbor's/random person's house to get them off your hands. and spend the entire day screwing your man without the looming threat of child services kicking down the door in the middle of the day. what you wear won't matter - and it might help if you wear nothing.

this isn't crazy, infact it's quite sane. it won't cost you a penny. and he won't ever forget about it.
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