To drink? Or not to drink?

To drink? Or not to drink?

30 answers , last was 14 years ago

its not for a few years but, when i turn 21, i DO NOT want to go out for drinks and get hammered. but my friends and even my father are insisting on taking me to a bar, and having me drink. personally, i would like to remember my 21st birthday, not be hugging the toilet the morning after. am i wrong? or should i comply with my friends and my fathers wishes?

Asked by Denise Betegh in Beer & Liquor at 7:28am on June 18th, 2009
Matthew Anthony 2388
Answered at 9:28pm on March 31st, 2010
It's definitely your choice, but keep in mind that going out for drinks does NOT mean that you have to get hammered. Many people drink socially or to simply to unwind after a long day. Ultimately, there nothing wrong with not wanting to drink at all either!
Zak Khaliq 2376
Answered at 6:11pm on July 24th, 2009
Your birthday is a celebration of you and what you're all about. The fact that they want you to do something you don't like on it is pretty ridiculous.
Daniel Barron 1612
Answered at 2:19pm on July 1st, 2009
Don't accept it, don't deny it. Alcohol, like many things, is harmful when used out of moderation. I'd say it's healthier to go a little wild from time to time than to settle on a few drinks for a buzz every single evening.

If you have friends and family who like to drink, and you are going to choose a life totally free of drinking, then you will face a bit of a challenge. But challenges are alright. Lead by example though, don't let their drinking upset you.

Not everybody finds themselves "hugging a toilet" after drinking. There is an art to drinking just the right amount and you probably won't get the hang of it on your first night. Your 21st birthday might not be worth remembering, unless you have some great plans that don't involve drinking. But if you are going to a bar, and not drinking... BOOORRRINNGGG :P.

It should be known that alcohol consumption, no matter what the volume or frequency, will cause shrinkage of the frontal lobe of the brain as well as cell death throughout the body and inflammation of all organs especially the liver. Knowing this, I personally still drink from time to time. I just keep it balanced with healthy living.
Unknown Brain 1830
Answered at 3:31pm on June 30th, 2009
All things in moderation. With the exception of a few individuals who are particularly intolerant of alcohol, there is a FAR cry between one or two drinks and spending the evening praying to the porcelain God.

Go with whats right for you. If you don't want to drink at all, don't. If you want to have one or two, go for it. If you do, secretly, want to experience getting really hammered just once, go for it, but don't make it a habit. Seeing as it's your 21st birthday, nobody would think any lesser of you for getting drunk.

Don't worry about the wishes of others, either those urging you to drink or those who urge you otherwise. Go with what feels right, be safe and smart about it, and you'll be fine.

Alcohol CAN cause a lot of problems, far more even than the media indicates. But in moderation, just a couple of drinks can cause a mild state of euphoria, and lower your inhibitions just enough that you can relax and talk with people you might otherwise be shy around.

It's up to you to choose, don't let anyone else make the decision for you.
Michal Frystacky 1839
Answered at 5:42pm on June 28th, 2009
Drink! For the love of god women! Drink!
Water is a vital substance that everyone needs to experience!
Ray Roddy 1533
Answered at 12:31pm on June 28th, 2009
At 21 you'll be a woman and able to make up her own mind. Social drinking is acceptable, tasty and fun. Quantity is what it's all about and you are your own Liquor control board...Don't be stiff, accept a drink or two and one tip, DO NOT drink girlie drinks. Have a beer or real booze, that sweetened up garbage that hides the taste of booze is what will get you into trouble. You think it's a popsicle when in reality it's two parts Rum and 18 parts Vodka!....So loosen up, have a drink with your Dad and friends and if you have never tasted it before and drink it the way it's meant to be...You won't like it anyway...It's an aquired taste that hic! I have aquired hic!
Unknown Brain 1260
Answered at 11:04pm on June 27th, 2009
You are mature beyond your years! It takes a real mature person to make that decision and to stick with it. You can drink to your birthday or any occasion... Does not have to have alcohol. Dr. Pepper is good, sprite, coffee, you get the picture. It may be a smart move to make arrangements with the waitstaff of where your family wants to take you, to make sure you are not served any alcoholic beverages. It is against the law to serve some one alcohol who is over 21 and without their consent.

If you feel that friends & family will not comply with your wishes... buck up, be grown & make a decision to not participate and Do not go. It is hard to please everyone. You just have to please yourself and live with yourself. Any one who agrees with you... well that makes life easier to be part of a crowd. Being part of the Crowd is not always the best course of action.

I hope you have a great birthday!
Laura Mercer New Brain
Answered at 10:42pm on June 27th, 2009
I agree with the other comments.
You could also have a Mocktail - no alcohol.
There are so many to choose from these days are they are all delicious!
It's YOUR birthday and you should be able to do what you want.
Unknown Brain 2039
Answered at 6:53pm on June 27th, 2009
Having a drink when you become of age doesn't automatically mean that you have to get hammered, you could just have one drink and be perfectly fine so that you can remember turning 21!
Unknown Brain 1556
Answered at 6:22pm on June 27th, 2009
drinking is fine; drunkenness is lame.

don't overdo it, and don't make it your reason for living. But seriously, there is nothing wrong with enjoying a tasty drink.
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