What's the meaning of 'optimistically pessimist'?

What's the meaning of 'optimistically pessimist'?

3 answers , last was 16 years ago

What's the meaning of 'optimistically pessimist'?...i heard these words sumwhere...which i don't remember...lol....is it a paradox?

Asked by Linda Kongbam in Random Questions at 5:44am on June 22nd, 2008
Rachel Golden 2191
Answered at 9:48pm on June 30th, 2008
Well I consider myself an optimistic pessimist. I always hope for the best but expect the worst.
Danielle Shanley 2399 Brainpower Score
Answered at 6:54am on June 23rd, 2008
I've heard it defined one of two ways:

1.) Being optimistic that bad things will happen ex. On the way to work you are SURE that you are going to hit every red light and that there will be a huge line at Dunkin Donuts AND the only parking space available by the time you get there will be a mile from the building...and ofcourse it will rain becuase you fogot your umbrella. (MY definition of this is feeling sorry for yourself....and the more you think this way...the more neg. things you will pull into your life)

2.) Being optimistic that good things will happen, but are prepared for bad things. Ex. You check the traffic before you leave for work in the morning and it says "clear sailing" but you give yourself an extra 10 min. anyway....just in case (also incase that line at DD is too long). You don't really expect to get a close parking space...so if you do it's great...if not...oh well. And you keep your umbrella in the car because the news says it might rain. If it does, your prepared, if not Oh well. (MY definition of this is Being Prepared and this type of thinking tends to help you notice the good things and not get so upset about the bad ones)

Don't know if these are the correct definitions....but they are my interpretations.
Joseph Morgan 2400
Answered at 6:30pm on June 22nd, 2008
Telling yourself that the outcome of a situation will undoubtedly be pleasant; when knowing that the truth is that it will not, so that your artificial smile and laughter will not and cannot be distinguished from being true or false.
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