Do you secretly want to be/do for at least one day?

Do you secretly want to be/do for at least one day?

7 answers , last was 15 years ago

All these quizzes my friends keep drawing up about themselves got me thinking...

So I ask you...what do you secretly want to be or do for one day?

I had a hard time thinking something for myself but after a glass of dawned on me...I cant sing...but I want to be a lounge/blues singer that looks like Lauren Bacall from back in the day, who sounds like Nina Simone who got herself up on top of piano like Michelle Pfeiffer in that movie with the Bridges Brothers. Thats what I secretly want to be for a day.

Asked by Zee Zee in Random Questions at 1:26am on July 3rd, 2009
Unknown Brain 1892
Answered at 9:57am on July 30th, 2009
Hugh heffner, Brian (the dog from family guy: always licking his nuts or having a martini), neil armstrong the day he landed on the moon, President oboma the evening when he won the election, any one of hugh's ex wifes when they got their first alimony check, any lottory winners the day of their winnings, DC cooper when he jumped out of the airplane, bill gates when he offered public trading on microsoft, the grim reaper (i'd haul my ass to Washington and clean house 8 years ago) .....

good lord.... too many to list. :P
Unknown Brain New Brain
Answered at 3:14pm on July 16th, 2009
go on TV and shag all the dishy news anchors ..
Ben Conver 1294
Answered at 4:33am on July 7th, 2009
As funny as it may sound, I honestly would like to, for just one day, NOT have ANY responsibility to anyone or anything in any way remotely shaped or fashioned that might cause me to have to make a decision about something or be responsible for something/someone or suffer consequences there of...but I doubt that day will ever come!! hahahaha
Sarika Kulkarni 2092
Answered at 2:59pm on July 4th, 2009
Alrite I want to do something with colors.. I love colors.. but as u said just one day.. so i would like to be a dress designer (a talented one) and see if i can create some wonderful designer dress/fabric
Danielle Shanley 2399 Brainpower Score
Answered at 12:20pm on July 3rd, 2009
I don't know if this will make sense, but I'll try.

If I could "get inside someone's head" to see how they perceve the world...that would be FACINATING!! I would love to see how my daughter sees the world, I would love to be in Richard's head for a while...both of these things would help me understand how to better take care of them (Richard is a man I care for that has severe Autism)...not to mention it would be super cool!!

I would like to sit in my brother's head to see how he really feels about stuff (he doesn't really talk about serious stuff), I would like to be in his ex's head to find out if she is really crazy or just totally selfish, I would love to sit in my cousin's head for a bit to see if there is any way to convince him to have his "Ah-ha" moment and fight to get off the stupid drugs he takes, and so on....

I would like to say that visiting my husband's thoughts would be fun, but I'm not sure if it is a good idea to have that much info. about someone I am so close to.

BUT jumping into a few heads to see how I am percived by complete strangers might be fun.

I don't know if this really answers the question, but it's what "popped into my head" :)
Melissa Merritt 2399 Brainpower Score Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Answered at 2:44am on July 3rd, 2009
A man. I would NEVER get the permanent surgery but Sweet GOD do I want to try it, have a real male body, just for a day. Or a week. :) But def not forever.
Amy Johnston 2055 Buddha Brain
Answered at 1:51am on July 3rd, 2009
I would love to be a farmer's wife for a day. I know it's hard work taking care of a farm, but I'd love to take care of the animals. I love the smell of a farm. Some people don't like the smell of horse manure, but I love it. It has a sweet smell to it. I'd love to ride the horses, feed the calves, whatever it takes to run a farm. I love it in the country! It's so peaceful.
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