If you could travel back to a time in your life and meet yourself...what advice would you let yourself know for the future?

If you could travel back to a time in your life and meet yourself...what advice would you let yourself know for the future?

19 answers , last was 15 years ago

thanks to the what if question...i thought why not open this question up to everyone.

Lets say you can go back to ONE time in your life...you cant give any advice like "Invest in MicroSoft" or anything regarding the stock market...no money investing...but anything else.

I would probably tell myself to wear a helmet before riding a bike when i was like 5 or 6 yrs old. My poor chin!

Asked by Zee Zee in Random Questions at 11:46pm on April 16th, 2009
Unknown Brain 1305
Answered at 1:04pm on May 5th, 2009
i would probably tell myself to not repeat my old ways i had back then
John Grant 1276
Answered at 12:55am on May 2nd, 2009
16 year old John, listen.

Listen to everything your father tells you. He's not partially right, he is 100% correct.

Do not have sex until you are 23. It's not worth it any earlier than that. It will not influence you in any great way. You will meet a woman who is everything you dreamed of. Propose to her the second you see her. Do not hesitate.

Eh...what else.....the thermostat will go bad on both the Integras you will own. Change that part. Do more push ups, more sit ups. And that's it. Go play some PS2.
Kasim K 1908
Answered at 5:42am on April 30th, 2009
I wouldve told myself how to get BIG! I wouldve been ROCKIN the NFL by now. Being the skinniest kid in football history I used to rock the house, but stopped playing cause i thought I would get hurt at the next level, so i picked hockey. Its one of my biggest regrets. But i can only imagine how dominant id be as the house i am now. Even now playin with college guys i rock the house. Maybe its not too late.
Mike Qtips 1326
Answered at 9:25pm on April 29th, 2009
I'd tell my 8 year old self to stick with the karate lessons.
Holly Bryant 1416
Answered at 6:35am on April 23rd, 2009
I would go back to the morning of June 1, 2006 and leave for work an hour 15 mins earlier. Thus I would not have been rear-ended by a big black truck while I was stopped at a red light half a block away from work. I would not have ruptured two discs in my neck. I would have not needed surgery, and I would not now be in constant pain. I have not had a day without pain since 8:13 AM June 1, 2006. I had a very active life before the accident...now am severely limited. 15 minutes earlier...or later! That one thing would make all the difference in the world.
Kevin Copenhaver 2371
Answered at 11:11pm on April 22nd, 2009
Don't forget to wind your watch.

Avijeet Tomer 1526
Answered at 9:56pm on April 22nd, 2009
There are two things I firmly believe in;

1> You get what you deserve.

2> Everything that happens with you is good for you in some way or the other.

I am perfectly happy with how my life turned out. Every little thing that has happened whether I liked it or not has played its part to make me what I am and give me what I have at present.

Everything that happened to me turned out to be good for me in some way or the other. And, I always, , ALWAYS got precisely what I deserved (not to mention NOT got what I didn't deserve)!

With these ideas in consideration, I DON'T want to go back and change ANYTHING in my life. Period.
Audrey Conrad 1787
Answered at 5:39pm on April 22nd, 2009
1. Smoking is NOT cool, is not easy to quit anytime, and the only people it makes you fit in with are other smokers, who make it even harder for you to quit because that's who you end up hanging around with.
2. Pot smoking really does make for a shitty memory ten years down the road. I can't even imagine how bad it would be after 20.
3. Don't completely ban all unhealthy habits (except smoking) , such as drinking, eating sugar and fast food, or even smoking pot, but ALL THINGS IN MODERATION is the key to continue enjoying said things. Don't abuse things.
4. Your friends suck. There are good to party with, but are not friends.
5. Learn to let go.

You'll eventually learn all these things, but you can save yourself a decade or so of time wasted if you learn it know.
Unknown Brain 1353
Answered at 4:23pm on April 22nd, 2009
I would tell myself to not have any attachments to anything or anybody. For you will surely fall.
Unknown Brain 2223
Answered at 11:48am on April 20th, 2009
Don't go back to Houston tonight... stay the night with your father.
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