why are people fans of watching baseball?

why are people fans of watching baseball?

10 answers , last was 15 years ago

I dont mind being at the ballpark but its not the game that I enjoy so much as I do the beer and hotdogs.


Do you watch it on TV?

What about those that find it BORING? WHY?

Thanks :)

Asked by Zee Zee in Auto Racing at 7:52pm on May 25th, 2009
Brent Taylor 2317
Voted for YES, I LOVE IT ... at 6:05am on June 4th, 2009
Watching baseball is not like watching other sports. People sometimes say they're going to "take in a game." This is language we also use for watching a sunset.

Baseball is something you relax and watch unfold. You grab a lawn chair and your favorite cold drink. It's about a slow build of tension you can really savor. It's a sport that moves at a slow enough pace that you can get into every detail and really see what makes it tick.

For this reason, it's best enjoyed when you learn to appreciate the intricacies of the game. I have a difficult time watching college ball on TV because the announcers can't know all the same details about the players, their backgrounds, and their individual skills. It's cool when you can know that a player is a high ball hitter, for example, who was put into this game to face a particular pitcher, etc.

At the opposite end of the spectrum is hockey, which I also love. It's all about how frenetic and fast a game can get.
Unknown Brain 1536
Voted for I'd watch any s... at 5:08pm on June 3rd, 2009
Shit, you could have grass growing competition on tv and I would watch it. I am a fan of practically any sport. Soccer, Hockey, Football, Baseball, Basketball, Curling, Ping Pong, Golf, Tennis, Pool etc. If it's on tv and there is a winner and loser, I'm watching. Alcohol really helps with everything too...
Unknown Brain 2223
Voted for Shoot me now! at 4:28am on May 31st, 2009
I'm like you... I could go to the park and just fine. But if its on TV ... I'd rather wacth paint dry.
Betsy Perez New Brain
Voted for YES, I LOVE IT ... at 6:20pm on May 29th, 2009
It's fun to see how the game actually turns out once you allow yourself to fully understand the concept of the sport. I also love to see all the handsome guys and their cute tight asses. The energy is also very electric.
Kathleen O'Brien Williams 1642
Voted for I rather get a ... at 10:23pm on May 27th, 2009
I am soooo not a fan. I loved it when my kids played. Beyond that I don't like it even a little bit. Did go to Fenway a few yrs back (free tickets) I will admit that was fun, any excuse to go to Boston and I comsidered that an experince. My problem with baseball is that I have a hard time with grown men making crazy money playing games. Its just silly.
Unknown Brain 2031
Answered at 2:17am on May 26th, 2009
Baseball is one of those rare games that elicits feeling. You almost can't go to a small league game and not think of better times, easier times. Hotdogs, family and children all rolled up into one sport. The game rarely pulls forth the raw emotions of other more competitive games. As a fan of baseball, things run a little hot and cold but you almost never want to smash that fat guy standing next to you pulling for the wrong team. In fact you might sit there perfectly content to let his kids play with your, drink a beer together and merely use the game as a sort of focal point to drive your conversation. As the age of people who can actually remember good times moves upwards.. the game's popluarity slowly spirals downward. Now days being a baseball fan puts you squarely in the minority.. in fact a distant fourth place behind other more "active" sports. Baseball has, today, developed a reputation as a cheaters game. It started early in the last century with 8 men out (America's first big cheating scandal) and just kept moving forth from there ultimately culminating in some of the game's biggest names coming out on doping charges.. etc. Like boxing and cycling .. baseball became America's dirty secret. We stopped beating the Central Americans in the game years ago. Tiny island nations routinely whip our asses, and football became king of the nation. In fact the second favored sport is such a distant second it is almost in another league.

I coach football and have for years. I continue to coach the game and will watch it over any other sport live or on television. One thing I refuse to watch on TV.. is golf. That might be a great game to play.. but to watch.. I am asleep in minutes after the first tee box.

All that said.. baseball is the first game I will go see in Billings later on the 24th of June. The Billings Mustangs remind me of great memories with family that are now all dead since I last set foot at home. Their memories will be seated next to me.

I was located in Alabama during the days Michael Jordan of Chicago Bulls fame.. tried his hand at baseball. On the day I went to see him.. was his father's birthday (his father had passed away). He hit one of the only balls he ever hit out of the park. Approximately six months later while visiting my parents who were in Chicago at that time, I went to watch him play basketball on his return to the Bulls. I could not help but think .. that the game he left to play, to honor his father.. was a far better one than the game he played that night with the Bulls.

Here is the song that speaks of this to me. Aside from "Take me out to Ball game" in the 7th inning stretch.

Amy Johnston 2055 Buddha Brain
Voted for YES, I LOVE IT ... at 1:32am on May 26th, 2009
I have always loved baseball. I do not enjoy watching it on tv, but I love to go to our local baseball games. We have a minor league team that plays in a stadium about 10 minutes from my house. I don't know how to explain it, but when I go to the game I get really into it. I love everything about it:the food,doing the wave,cheering when someone makes a home run, clapping when they play a familiar baseball tune, and singing along when they play "take me out to the ballgame". As a young girl, I was a tomboy and during the summer all I did was play baseball with the boys. They would actually come to my house and ask me to play. I was a pretty good hitter and I could catch and throw the ball pretty well. I still love going in the backyard and playing catch with my son when I can. I believe that what they say in my country is true that baseball is an American pastime. I don't think it will ever go out of style.
Melissa Merritt 2399 Brainpower Score Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Voted for I rather get a ... at 11:46pm on May 25th, 2009
...hell a ROOT CANAL or gyno appt for that matter. I used to FALL ASLEEP at the f***ing homecoming games! gawd. sooo boring, it's like, "omg you both suck, just hurry up and somebody win!" Overtime is so for LOSERS who can't win in the normal amount of time so that we can LEAVE. haha jk. but that IS how I see it when I get dragged to a game. it's just not my cup a beer I guess. (but because of the beer/food factor I will not turn down a super bowl party, esp since I will DEF not be the only one there who does not care about the game. Am I right or am I SO right.)

PS I do enjoy PLAYING baseball tho, even tho I suck at it. It's fun!
Jonas Verhaevert 1809
Voted for YES, I LOVE IT ... at 11:32pm on May 25th, 2009
As a baseball player myself i can only vote "YES, I LOVE IT for many different reasons!"
there's nothing better than on a nice warm day standing on the diamond and playing ball.
Jim Williams 2367 Buddha Brain Funny Brain Rebel Brain
Voted for YES, I LOVE IT ... at 10:12pm on May 25th, 2009
I have to say, as a Canadian, I am more of a Baseball fan than a Hockey fan. I will watch a Baseball game on TV or live but will ONLY watch Hockey live. IDK why.... just one of those things... :)

Nothing will ever replace a live game, no matter what the sport is. However, out of all the sports, Basketball, rates as the best overall live sport. Guess I am just one of the odd guys out that can't get into televised sports at all. I don't even like to watch the Olympics on TV!!!
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