What is a good pickup line?

What is a good pickup line?

63 answers , last was 11 years ago

What is a good pick up line that a girl (or guy) would not run away from if she heard? Not corny, not lame, and not rude.

Asked by Dakota Christian in Love & Relationships at 12:09am on February 5th, 2008
Evan Dando 1422
Answered at 10:28pm on November 8th, 2012
can I pick you up?
Michael Payne New Brain
Answered at 4:22am on February 22nd, 2010
Stevie Hinton 2322
Answered at 3:53am on January 14th, 2010
"What are you drinking?" Add nice smile, pause, wait and if they aren't nice back... then move on to someone else. Because if someone answers snotty to that, then they aren't worth it. Also it works, "Hiya, didya know animals that lay eggs don't have bellybuttons?" nice smile, pause, wait, "Would you like to see mine?" Or you know, some quirky fact. The whole idea of pick up lines is the underlying reach out towards others. And if someone isn't receptive towards that, it's not your line, it's the person you're speaking with. For some reason they are insecure, attached, or not for human interaction. If someone isn't receptive towards you, then they aren't worth it. That's it.
Nathan Bertsch 1413
Answered at 12:25am on August 27th, 2008
I actually used this on a girl a few days ago who thought it was cute:

Excuse me, do you have any raisins? (She says no) Well, how about a date?
Drryn Clntn 1452
Answered at 10:48pm on June 16th, 2008
Remember this and you'll never go wrong... EVERY WOMAN IS AS DELICATE AND DIFFERENT AS A SNOWFLAKE! No two are ever the same... One can never (make a habit) of approaching them with similar or used lines. You want to be a respected "Mac Daddy", work on creativity and knowing who to approach a woman, with what words, when the time is rigt, and in a manner which is acceptable. And if you really just have absolutely no game what-so-ever... watch people you know who constantly approach women the WRONG way and just don't repeat what they've done!
Julia Spencer 1338
Answered at 4:55pm on April 27th, 2008
How about, "Hi, I'm Dakota. You look like you're having fun. What's your name."

Go with simple and honest instead of the "cocky/funny" BS that the Pick-Up Artist types seem to advocate. I hate it when guys act fake.
Ally McDade 1984
Answered at 5:12pm on March 2nd, 2008
If I were Oedipus, I'd want you to be my mom.
Blaine Murph 1441
Answered at 10:11pm on February 21st, 2008
"Nice shoes... wanna fuck?
Unknown Brain 1176
Answered at 9:29pm on February 21st, 2008
hey babe, is your dad a thief because he stole a star from the sky and put it in your eye!!!
Janet Bordelon 1176
Answered at 8:01pm on February 21st, 2008
Do you like hot dogs? Cuz you're hot, dog
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